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What would you love to see here first?


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 Okay guys, as we are starting out and with our mission statement in mind - what would you like see from the site first? 

 Personally I have been focusing on the social aspects of the site first so we can all get to know each other (commentary on people's creative works are typically more edifying when you get to know the person after all). This is also a boon for any future creative collaboration (always better to work together when you know each other). If you have anything you'd like to see in that regard let me know.


In general what would like to see in the first months? RP's? Group writing projects? Group reviews? Art critiques? Art and writing workshops?

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Some starting RPs would be nice to have, though I do like all the group reconstructions and reviews we've been doing as we just start out, other then those 3 not much else I can think of really.

48 minutes ago, WarTraveller said:

Get to know writing skills and what OC's we all have, if any.

When it comes to custom characters I think that should be a surprise, something that is naturally revealed overtime, if it's revealed before we get into a story or RP that there are OC's there's no surprise and that takes you out of the experience being told before hand, making said characters seemingly unnatural.

That and new characters for RPs are a given anyway. XP

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RPs are always fun, but one thing on my mind is getting word-of-mouth out there. I've already sent the link to a few people and asked them to pass it on, and I've suggested the Sonic subreddits r/sonic and r/sonicthehedgehog to Wulfsbane too.

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Greetings all!

I know this forum is mostly for Sonic, but are other fandoms welcome?  As many of you know, my fanfiction career started as a crossover and with my reboot... *looks over at cavalcade of Nintendo, Sega, and Capcom characters waiting in the wings*  Yeah...and this may also affect if I RP as well as the version of Mobius is a crossover in and of itself!  (Sega/SatAM/Underground/Archie/Fleetway/OAV with only a slight bit of X)

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  • 2 weeks later...

As an RPer and GM, I'm quite pleased to see so many people interested in RPGs. Most of my RPGs are origional works, based on dreams I've had. As such, I tend to welcome any sort of characters. OCs are great, as they aren't tied down to someone else's ideas of how they should be. They're your own ideas and often work better with any curve-balls I may throw your way, and may even throw some curve balls back at the GM (I think this is great for creative purposes). I do also allow fanfic characters and even characters from whatever source you're comfortable playing with, so long as I can nerf their powers if they're deemed to be over-powered. Look for an RPG Ideas topic soon after I make this post. B|

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