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Adaptations: Video Games Turned Live Action.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all for a Film or TV Series of sorts, although something tells me that they'll use Neo Contra or Contra Rebirth as a basis, as in Bill Rizer being put in stasis for some reason and being woken up to stop Red Falcon or some equivalent, wouldn't mind any sort of Contra Film though I'd say something along the lines of Shattered Soldier or Neo Contra would be cool. 

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  • 1 year later...

I don't know if its appropriate for this thread but i wish to talk about the release of the Halo live action tv series which premiered on Paramount plus streaming. 

all i can say is that without spoilers they really diverged from the source material and imsulted the fanbase. not surprisingly considering the fact the show runners never played the games. 



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On 5/26/2022 at 10:10 AM, Akessel92 said:

I don't know if its appropriate for this thread but i wish to talk about the release of the Halo live action tv series which premiered on Paramount plus streaming. 

It's an adaptation, so I'd say it counts.

On 5/26/2022 at 10:10 AM, Akessel92 said:

they really diverged from the source material and imsulted the fanbase.

Why am I not surprised? Oh yeah; it's because that seems to happen a lot with video game adaptations :P

I've never played Halo nor do I have anything to do with Paramount+, so I can't make an informed comment about it.

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