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Rise of The Fan-Edits & Redit Cinema.

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After the popularization  of the Schneider cut of Justice League, the re-edit phenomenon has finally ebbed from hardcore fans correcting crappy contributions to their favorite franchises, to a legitimate cinematic movement and art form.  This has been so noteworthy culturally that many studios and IP holders are strongly considering capitalizing on this phenomena with refreshing experimental rehashing of classic movies, or as a fiscal stop-gap for undercooked blockbuster duds like The Last Jedi.


What are your thoughts of re-edits? Should they be the new normal on streaming and even the big screen? Or should they just be a fan-base fancy? Where do you think this is all heading artistically and why? 

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I'm all for a different version of a film I've seen, heck Sylvester Stallone is doing that with Rocky IV and I'm all for watching what that entails. It's like one of the best movies ever. :)

Godfather Part III had one come out, but I heard it's not great.

The only fan edit I've seen is of someone turning Breaking Bad (The Whole Show) into a 2 Hour Movie. Can't remember much of it though.

I know James Wolfe did one for a college assignment years ago, and while he talked about it I can’t remember what it was.

Maybe someone should do a re-edit of Sonic X like an Anime Compilation film. XP

Which you could say are Offical Re-Edits with either new scenes or completely reanimated. I'm sure @Sorzo could tell you about those.

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