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What was your favorite: 2010's era

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Once again we take a look at some of our favorite games, moments, and anything that we liked during the 2010's era of Sonic so far (as of this posting). We went from jumping on to the sequel to S3&K, to joining the Olympics with Mario. We saw Colors all around then jumped back in time (once again) to cross Generations. We even raced with Sega's All-Stars and jumped in the middle of the era with a Boom...right back in our faces. With that said, let's say what was our favorite in this strange era of Sonic.

What was your favorite game of the 2010's (so far) and why?

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I have only played bits and pieces of the newer games, and most of them do not thrill me as much as the Sega classics.  I think the complete Sonic 4 would be on the top of the list.  Sonic Generations is neat, but I believed they should have done more variety with the levels instead of choosing similar themes.  Colors was alright, but I am not fond of the carnival theme or the new voice actor of Sonic.  Lost World looks more interesting as it focuses more on platforming and has more diverse level themes- now that they have it on Steam, I might try playing it.

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Playing Sonic Generations in 4K is a colorful blast (sometimes colorful - a very yellow Tails makes my eyes feel like I am staring into the sun). The game play was solid, the music well produced, the reinvention of the classic levels is pure nostalgic fun. I do think the story and dialogue sucked hard and it wracks my head with all the continuity problems Segasonic has though. Too bad we can't get some actual writing quality injected in the modern games. The series could benfit from a hiring of  Len Janson...or summoning the spirit of Ben Hurst. *Pulls out a Witch-Doctor mask, a Ouija board, and a dead chicken.* XP

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