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Throughout the years Sonic has had few hiccups when it comes to finishing things for better or worse...except for TV Show Finales *shot*

But every once in awhile things fall to the wayside, some levels or content is cut, even entire games are abandoned, so we're going to answer questions regarding what you wished would have happened, why so and what you think would have happened if these things happened.
So take a look with me and imagine the possibilities of what could have been, and wish for things that should have been a thing..things.

...moving on...


What Cancelled Sonic Game do you wish ended up being released?

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Oddly enough, Sister Sonic. Partly because of some odd hypocrisy of the time (it got cancelled because it was just a pallete swap of another game and everyone hated it...but then Doctor Robotnick's Mean Bean Machine came out and everyone loved it. Excuse me?) and partly because the idea of Sonic having a sister...well, ANY relative, is quite an interesting concept.

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Apparently the Sonic Boom we got was due to the fact that it was a mashup between a more adventure oriented entry in the series and the comedic one we all know and hate. Apparently there is evidence to suggest the adventure one was being worked on since 2007 but how it became Rise of Lyric is unknown. In all honesty the game probably would not have been any good but it would've been at least worth a shot considering the state of the games now.

Otherwise tbh, none of the publicly known cancelled Sonic games as they all honestly look terrible and four of them were just different and earlier versions of the cancelled X-Treme.

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sonic mars, a bit of polish here and there with the more ludicrous nonsense removed might have made for a great title (I say making it like a one screen sonic rush with advance 3 sprinkled in the right bits and places)

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On 7/22/2020 at 3:01 AM, TheRedStranger said:

Any one else have any specific wishes for Sonic games you want to share? 

Well, Sonic X-treme for one. Granted, I don't think it would have been received well had it been given a chance to actually be developed, but it could have changed a few things down the line in the series history.

A 3rd Sonic Rush game, it'd be nice to play as Blaze again. Maybe even add a 3rd new character they have to contend with.

Rise of Lyric, if it was never forced upon the Wii U. To remind you guys, it was suppose to be developed and run on the Crytek Engine. Probably could have made the best looking Sonic game to date, and not limit the devs with poor hardware.

Sonic 4, a real one. That didn't end up being an episodic budget title. I'm not talking like one for the Saturn as Sonic Team just did whatever during that time or something like Sonic Mania. I mean like something along the lines of Crash 4 or Mega Man 11. Great, 3D graphics, but the same classic gameplay. Nothing like what we got with Generations or Forces on how Classic gameplay felt like a Game Gear game, I mean like legit momentum that would feel the same as Mania.

Spin offs, legit games starring other characters. Shadow, Tails, and Knuckles need another good shot. However Blaze, Silver, and Mighty & Ray deserve a shot in the limelight as well.

Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Remakes, something along the lines of what FFVIIR is doing. Matter of fact, along with the proposed Sonic 4, use those to Reboot the whole series. No more of that confusing and separatist Classic/Modern Eras. Keep it one world too, Stop trying to make two half baked worlds and just focus on one.

Last but not least, a Mobius based game. I am so sick of seeing how this series can apparently only have one direction in how it's handled (thankfully the movie series can do it's own thing). A ton of different series have had co-existing, different canons and continuities, why can't Sonic? Have a Mobius based series if games kinda like how Mega Man has Mega Man X. Spread that divergence to shows and comics too. People can handle it, and kids will just like the fact it's about a blue hedgehog.

We can have a Sega Sonic and Mobius Sonic exist at the same time, that way fans can pick which one they like and try out the other. Boom had the right idea, but it was executed horribly.

I do have a few game concepts and ideas for Sonic games jolted around here and there myself, mainly because I just love the series that much. Don't really share them though, but I hope to change that in the near future. If you guys are interested let me know. :)

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Also, if I may add, a Metal Sonic game. I mean that alone would be awesome, either one that's an interquel between SA2 and Heroes, or one where he's being replaced by a new Sonic Robot and rebels.

Lastly (for now) the one game I'd want more than any other is a 3D Sonic game that has physics and controls just like the Classic games. The levels are in 3D and everything, it can be done! Demos like Sonic Utopia show it's possible. For a full game as close to the experience as possible, look up Sonic Robo Blast 2. You won't regret it. Also, if an Adventure Remake were to have a feel like that, it'd be ideal. At least to me anyway.

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