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Rick Tyger

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Posts posted by Rick Tyger

  1. How in the world did I miss this topic?!

    Almost everything I write about or use for RP stuff, and even my dualing fursonas, are all based on my dreams and characters that I've either been, or encountered (often repatedly). I have enrire multiverses of dream content rattling around in my head. Hence, my tendency to reference the "Omniverse" (this encompases every possible and impossible reality, except for Heaven and Hell, which are beyond the limitations of Creation).

    Most of my dreams come out sounding like old-school action movies. That's where Rick Tyger the character/fursona came from. He's a representation of my "inner wannabe Chuck Norris". Luna Yvhv is a character encounterd early on in my "Being Rick Tyger" dreams, and I simply added a few more-coherant details to her backstory and abilities. Rick's wife, Princess Jessica Wolf, was origionally named something else, but has otherwise remained unchanged from how she appears in my dreams. Her new first name comes from a girl I had a crush on all through middle and highschool, who seems to have moved away or otherwise dropped off the map. Queen Colleen Thy-Wolf and King Texarcana Wolf have not been changed in any way. I like the way they are in my dreams: Technically royalty, but really just country folk with fancy titles and supreme political power. The Shadow Hunters are also based on my dreams. They're the guys who go after people who're technically "above the law", and can even execute the royal family, should the royalty become corrupt. They're kept in check by the older retired Shadow Hunters, who (much like the Yautja) just get more badass with age. And what makes Thylan royalty royalty is the fact that they're elected as such by the Thylan public, and then allowed to keep the job for multiple generations, until they either become corrupt and are killed, or decide they've had enough and want to go back to being proper rednecks. The bigass deasert that the Tyger clan owns, the 13 inhabitable "Thylos" planets in their solar system, and their green sun and skys are all from bits and pieces of dreams, that I basically consolidated into a single idea and added a backstory to.

    Vlad Yvhv and the Omnians came from my obsession with shape-shifters and dreams of being an "Omnianthrope" (now you know were "Omnian" comes from) who was neigh-immortal and able to kick ass on levels unknown to conventional biology. Morphing a hand into a biotech gatling gun that fires quills, for example. Or the classic "blade/harpoon arm" that resembles a cross between Krauser's Blade Arm from Resident Evil 4 and Heller's Whip Fist from Prototype 2... Or even just the ability to spit burning bio-napalm and be immune to heat and fire damage, due to dragon DNA. Vlad is, of course, named after my own favorite historical figure: Vlad the Impailer. His last name comes from the Muskogee word for "wolf", which ties in with my own long-standing obsession with wolves and werewolves. Before the dream variant of Vlad was an Omnian, he was a multi-shifter, and before that, a straight-up werewolf. Dreaming of being Vlad helped me overcome many a potential nightmare, and seems to have occured around the time I was 5 or so, when I developed the ability to lucid dream. He is very much the embodiment of my lucid dreaming self, combinded with my own will to survive (according to my medical records, I was close to death as a baby). He is able to shift to take advantage of most any situation, and to endure those which he shouldn't be able to "win". I first saw John Carpenter's "The Thing" when I was 7, and was surprised by the Things' similarities to my Omnians. Add in a re-writing of Vlad's origins to make him have been a dragon species before being assimilated and give him a giant neigh-indestructalbe SR-71 you've got the Vlad most of us know, and the Warwolf. Lyn came about as part of an RP that started in the Shoutbox of FUS and migrated to the 1000 pages topic. Origionally, she was to be the Warwolf's AI. When she bacame a Synth (short for "Synthetic Lifeform" [the idea being that they're tech so advanced that they go beond AIs and androids, into RIs {"Real Intelligence", packaged into an advanced machine like a quantum computer and unhidered by things like "programs" or "directives" or "the laws of reobtics"}]), I decided to make her a Thylan, say that Vlad had assimilated her creator and unlocked her mental potential, and give her a comperable roll to Luna (side-kick/sometimes character foil). Others liked the inteplay between the characters, so Lyn stayed and is now entwined in Vlad's life, as something akin to a step-daughter. Jed is just my take on the Dog-Thing from the movie (the name of the wolfdog that played that character was "Jed" [he also had a starring roll in "White Fang"]), as one of the survivors of the explosion at the end of the movie. The story "Thaw" is basically a re-working of his backstory. He's more antangonistic, since he's not actually an Omnian. Vlad's other crew are based on the unnamew wolf girl from the Sat-AM episode "Nobrainer", and of course, Lupe. And finally, we get to Lyn's robotic creations. Scorpio is the latest workign model, but also was the first prototype and once sided with Jed, due to a programming glitch (this is a shout-out to KARR from the Knigt Rider shows). He's a scorpion because I like scorpions. I've alwasys thought that the idea of a robotic scorpion makes sense: Heavily armored, stable mobility, use of tail for weapons platform and self-righting, and claws for manipulating and carying objects. And I really like the idea of Lyn (whose intended purpose is to destroy other machines) choosing to make robots as a hobby. Toaster is actually an ambulitory oven "junk-bot", created from scrap parts. Fridge is more aptly named, as a giant mobile refrigerator junk-bot on treads. While either can attack with their own elemental attacks, they are mostly programmed to collect useful parts and use their torsos to house items for Vlad and Lyn. Sentinel is a shout-out to the Sentinel Spheres of phantasm, but considerably less sociopathic and much larger (basketball sized). He's a tool-bot and serves as Lyn's side-kick when Scorpio's not active. And of course, we have Wolf, a feral RI created by Vlad to handle the operation of the Warwolf when he's either being lazy or away from the ship. I've always liked the design of the SR-71 Blackbird, so that's where the base design of the Warwolf comes from (an oversised SR-71 with the D-21 drone attached). The "drone" and necells house antimatter reactors, and the "drone" can be fired as an antimatter bomb. The Warwolf was named after a real-world weapon of war that was so massive and intimidating that it never had to be used (the enemies gave up upon seeing it). And it has a considerably larger and more stable verion of the black hole drive from "Event Horizon", which allows for interdimensonal and time travel.

    As a shout-out to another of my real-world heros, Stepehen King (who has also said on occasion that his inspiration is often dreams), I usually try to some sort of connectivity between all of my works. And the fact that they're based mostly on dreams I've had actually tends to make it more likely that those connections can/will exist.

    The "Phatasm" and "Terminator" movie seires were also inspired by their creators' dreams. So, it seems to be a fairly common occurance.

  2. 1 hour ago, SallyAcornLover said:

    @ Rick Tyger

    So you’re learning the old native American languages? That’s really cool, Bro! :)

    Mvto (pronounced "mah-toe"). That conveys a heart-felt "thank-you" in Muskogee, as in if someone gives you an unexpected gift, or a nice compliment. It's literal meaning is "All is well with the Muskogee".

    And yes, I'm learning Muskogee and Cherokee, because those are what make up my DNA. It helps to feel a connection with my ancestors.

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  3. Let's not forget that O'Neil is played by MacGuyver! If SG-1 doesn't have a boxed set, it should have one. I like how they figured out things like "you can get around a reactive shield by using a slower projectile". Also, the spoof of Groundhog Day was priceless. B|


    April's Item Of The Month for donators to KOL is an access badge to a "top secret Spacegate research facility", that looks an awful lot like a Stargate setup. They have a 7-digit world dialer, with digits being A-Z. So, you can access every planet from AAAAAAA (the safest one) to ZZZZZZZ (will probably kill you many times over).

  4. Mine tend to have a core set of rules, that can differ from the more common rules. Depending on how serious the RPG is, the rules may be expanded or trimmed. But there are some that I always use:

    1. Per-round posting. This keeps people from hijacking an RP, and generally keeps the RP more orderly and GM-able.
    2. 1-2 week posting time limit, before you lose your turn. This has worked fairly well in the past, since most of my RPers can have hectic lives at times. In more recent RPGs, this means that the character "zones out" for the missed round. Sometimes, I have to implement a "too many missed rounds in a row and you're out" sub-rule, to keep somone from slogging down the RPG.
    3. No sexual content. I run mostly clean RPs, not pornos. I don't like sex stuff on TV or in movies. I don't want it in my RPs, either.
    4. Detailed info on stuff from outside the RPG world is required for "crossovers". I don't keep up on many of my RPers' other favorite franchises, so I need to know what I'm dealing with if they want a character who is from or based on some preexisting franchise.
    5. No Power-Gaming. As the GM, it's my job to decide the outcome of events, not the players. I've become fond of using d20s to handle success/failure rates. Sometimes with a sliding scale (so someone doesn't kill themself opening a letter) and sometimes with more rigid scales (for more serious RP scenarios). This tends to help keep things fair.
    6. Dedication to preexisting characters, if those are chosen. I have no problem with someone wanting to play as Sonic, Mario, a Predator, etc. All I ask is that they stay true to the character they want to play, if they do that. So, no "Sonic sits there patiently listening" or "Mario asks what a pipe is" type of stuff.
    7. Often, I limit posting length to what could be done or said by the characters within a few minutes. This cuts down on "wall of text" posts that don't come from the GM, and helps to make sure that one character isn't doing something that would prevent others from acting for that round.
  5. Syntax in languages can be tricky. I'm still trying to learn Muskogee and Cherokee more properly, but am entirely self-taught so far. The good thing about Muskogee is that it's a flexible language, allowing for multiple ways to say the same thing. If you can't find the proper word for something, it's fine to describe it. As I understand it, Cherokee is a bit less forgiving. But, it's good to have goals for one's self. Otherwise, we would become stagnant. Vlad's last name of "Yvhv" (pronounced "yaw-haw") means "Wolf" in Muskogee, should anyone be interested, or have forgotten how to pronounce it.

    Tangents aside, I wish everyone all the best in learning to communicate in a way so's to not confuse eachother.

  6. Prototype 2

    Synopsis: Alex Mercer is alive and has spread the Mercer Virus again. You are James Heller, a member of the military send to deal with the situation. Mercer's infected have killed your wife and (as you'll later find out) kidnapped your daughter (who you though had also been killed). During your initial attempt at revenge, Mercer infects you. And that's where the game really starts. From there, it's a matter of killing and absorbing the identities of key individuals, and laying waste to monsters that would be at home in a The Thing movie. Oh, and tracking down Mercer and killing him and rescuing your daughter.


    • This is likely as close to a "be The Thing" game as we'll ever get. Absorbing others for fun (and the occasional "because the mission says so") and to regain health and gain new powers is exactly the sort of game play one would expect from a "be The Thing" game.
    • A casual player like myself can beat it, on easy mode. I was unable to ever beat the final boss of the original Prototype game, which was infuriating.
    • I never liked Alex Mercer anyway. It's fun to tear him apart as he's the final boss.
    • The characters and story make sense. For example, Rooks and Heller would be forced to fight in a more conventional game, but they come to an unspoken agreement over the sentiment that both have daughters. The humanity factor is there, which is a nice touch for a revenge-based game. Heller isn't the completely uncaring jackass that Mercer was/is.
    • The super-powers are awesome. Personally, I prefer to stick with the Claws and Whip Fist. I really love the Whip Fist's range of uses: 1: bladed whip; 2: harpoon ("both long-distance attack" and "long-distance grab and bring to you"); 3: Long-distance grab of enemy vehicles (takes you to the vehicle for quick "hijack/weaponize/destroy" options). I also enjoy the "Viral Sonar" function.
    • Re-playable through "New Game +", which allows you to keep all of your previously gained powers and mutations. It's a fun way to blow off some steam, even after you've completely upgraded Heller and beaten the game 20 or more times. For me, this is one of those game that just doesn't get old.
    • The version of the game that I have came with a CD copy of the sound track, which is awesome.


    • The cut-scenes are "black and white with some red" format.
    • The game itself is rather short, if you don't pursue all of the side-quests and object location challenges.
    • The avatar rewards requite use of the "RadNet" function, which I can't use.
    • A few of the side-quests are "beat the clock" races along rooftops and sometimes down to ground level and back up to rooftop level again. They can be infuriating if you don't have the proper mutations to make Heller faster.

    Pro Tip: When fighting Mercer, don't use the same Powers that he's using. Switch to something else to beat him.

  7. 15 hours ago, TheRedAuthar said:

    I got a snes-remake console.  Been trying to play a lot of the old Super Nintendo games.  Sadly while quite a few are great, many so called classics are well....underwhelming 

    I still think A Link To The Past was the best of the series, up until Twilight Princess came out.

  8. This program can be useful for tweaking code, should something need tweaking, or should a "maker" not have the full scope of what you'd like your variables to be.

    Notepad ++

    Also, if you're interested in just learning the basics of RP stuff or testing out RP characters or whatnot, I've got a topic in the RP section of the forums dedicated to that. This is a "sandbox mode" RP setup, so we can RP without breaking any serious RPs.

  9. I still have my NES, SNES, Gamecube, and Wii, and enjoy dusting them off from time to time. I also snagged my brother's old Gameboy Color when he abandoned it. If "retro" games include those from before the current generation of consoles, then that's all I play, since the most advanced consoles I have are a Wii and a X-Box 360.

  10. On 3/10/2017 at 1:53 AM, TheRedStranger said:

    I want to see an over the top and witty  Beat 'em Up where you get to play as famous Philosophers and World Leaders. :P

    All their attacks are based on their philosophies. Nietzche's final move would be "Stare into the Abyss" for example. Decarte's would be the "Cogito Ergo Crusher." Karl Marx vs Adam Smith would be an epic battle. When you fight especially opposing characters you get unique dialogues where they debate each other as they sling fists. xD

    It would be like Epic Rap Battles of History meets the high-octane ethanol cornyness of modern wrestling. 

    Albert Einstein vs Vlad The Impaler!

    On 3/10/2017 at 3:20 AM, Mike Arcade said:

    As long as I can play as Abe Lincoln and Vlad the Impaler I'd be completely fine with that.

    Technically we do have a game where expies of loosely based historical figures fight against each other, that being ADK/SNK's World Heroes Series, fun series and a charming favorite of mine. You can literally beat up Rasputin in the game! xD

    So guys, What other sort of Fighting, Beat em Up, Platform Fighter, or some Combination of the 3 would you like to see?

    You know that there are fighting games based on that one show where they used to pit history's greatest badasses against eachother and see who the computer would pick to win, right? I know that Vlad is in there, and I'm fairly sure that Abe is in one, too.

  11. I've never played Diablo or Diablo II, but I have Diablo III: Reaper of Souls: Ultimate Evil Edition. This is Gauntlet meets Borderlands, people. Effing awesome, in my opinion. The "at any time, you can replay any part of the game you've reached before" option is absolute genius. It really does a good job of being a spiritual successor to the Gauntlet games, and improving on that experience. While the story itself is rather dark, there is also a good amount of humor and snarkyness thrown in to keep things fun. And the loot generator seems to run similar to that from the Borderlands games, where you'll probably never get the exact same item again. I've never beaten it yet, but it's one of those games that makes level grinding fun. And it's one of the few X-Box 360 games that lets you do 2-4 players in co-op mode on the same console. I don't remember how much I paid for it at Wal-Mart, but it's been a good investment. Easily, one of my favorite games. B|

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