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Posts posted by WarTraveller

  1. You know that makes me wonder...will they get someone new to voice Sonic for this? I mean Roger Craig Smith regardless of opinion IS Sonic at the moment. For a lot of younger fans, he is to them what Jason Griffith is to most of us. The issue is that this is a bit...more major than the average Sonic project. And when it comes to Game Companies and Hollywood, they seemingly can't help themselves. Sure, this guy is known by many for his performance, but THIS GUY was on the grown-up telly! He's therefore better, in fact he's perfect!


  2. Teen Titans GO, Sonic Boom, and now this...with this move, Cartoon Network solidifies itself as an uncaring machine. A cold, heartless hive mind of a company that takes old memories and twists them into mangled nightmares. Why? Not for parody, not for Deconstruction, but so they can sell more toys, waste more plastic, make more money. It's shocking what kids TV has become these days, and that even isn't getting into the show itself. It is U G L Y. Its being written by some Penders-esque berk with a man bun. It's stealing art style fragments from Steven Universe because of course it is. I expect the action figures to be announced next Thursday. 

    Honestly, though. ONLY Cartoon Network would look at the universal hatred aimed at Teen Titans GO and think..."we should do it again!" presumably before trying to hump the stacks of cash they made from toy sales. You see, this is why I despise any show that used to be mature but then barks that it'll be made for The Kids. It's the issue that Modern Sonic has run into; it's an invitation to laziness. Cynical natures. Tons of cheap, fragile, lead-soaked toys. The excuse of The Kids, with the "justification" that they'll watch anything, is what leads to show like Boom and Roar. The weakest, cheapest, ugliest, most condescending and insulting s**t that talks down to their target audience and rots their brains with a glorified half hour advertisement. No pathos, no character, no plot worth following. It's just memes and fart jokes. That's what these suits are raising our children on. It's disgusting. 

  3. On 16/05/2018 at 7:18 AM, Mike Arcade said:

    Azriel lead Aria to the back room, the smell of fresh bread and bagels surrounded the kitchen making it feel like home. "This is where we make every amount of goodies you can think of...well okay not every kind of goody, you can't package up this Teeger after all!" The Tiger awkwardly chucked at his own poor attempt at humor as he tried to break the ice. "Umm, anyway..." Just then Azriel eyes flashed wide open "Oh crap I forgot, I need to put in some more bread in the oven! Heya Aria, could you take a few orders out front for me? I mean I know you sell a lot of good produce to Kal before so...you wouldn't mind right? I just need to straighten things out here before I give ya the Kitchen tour."

    "Or-Orders?" Aria asked, a small twinge forming in the back of her throat, "This is a little direct, is it not? I have only just got here, I..." Aria stopped, taking a moment to calm herself. This was her big break...well, more of a middling break. Actually it was more of a small break, but nonetheless it would be a poor move to just disregard it. It was payment for duties, simplistic duties at that. Plus, it may be one of the few ways she could find her sister. She turned back to the Tiger and coughed slightly to clear her throat, "My apologies. So, where do I start? What is the uniform?"

  4. 11 minutes ago, TheRedStranger said:

    It maybe restored but @WarTraveller idea for a traditional D&D game sounds real interesting so we will probably do that instead. 

    I do indeed! I even put a topic of it up on the forums, here;

    Granted I still need to work out a few of the ideas, but I've got plenty of people who will help there.

  5. Well I guess that explains why Shadow's story for a few games was so rough and tumbled. They really didn't want him to return. I...think he shouldn't have, though. Also Chaos didn't die. He's a god, he kind of can't. And Gamma being dead didn't stop them from bringing him back in Battle for the GBA, so all the stuff around Shadow makes even less sense - and paints SEGA as even more unstable and incompetant that I thought!

    On the plus side, it does show us that Mighty, Bean, Bark and the like WERE actually intended to return in some fashion. Perhaps they really did want to bring them into the Modern (or in this case, retroactively Dreamcast) era. I guess upper management put a bit of a stop to that, probably because one team in particular wouldn't make much sense and the others would probably be too ambitious for both the consoles and the timeframe on display here. I guess after that, Shadow and the infamous reboot that forced a lot of those characters to go away, they probably deemed it too risky to use them again - until Sonic Mania, of course, which clearly showed less risk of them cameoing.

    Which makes me wonder, if a Sonic Heroes 2 ever happens (which is extremely unlikely now that Mania's success and Forces'...not success paints a clear picture of Sonic's future), I wonder if any of those beta teams would be finalised and would return?

  6. 1 hour ago, DaddlerTheDalek said:

    Gianopulos bought the Sega video game adaptation after seeing early footage that previewed the film's tone and humor

    I'm not all that sure that's a good thing or a bad thing. Depends on the quality and the tone of the humour, seemingly. I guess that at least proves it won't be totally dark and will have some comedic elements...though as with Forces that wasn't a massive stretch of logic to begin with. 

  7. I've mentioned this before, but I am baffled as to why SEGA doesn't capitalise on the love of other characters by making toys and the like based on them. It's a common joke that Sonic characters are only added to the franchise to sell more toys of more characters. Clearly, those that tell the sort of joke don't understand the Sonic merch scenario at-hand and that a lot of us are praying for characters other than Sonic, Tails and Knuckles (maybe Amy if you're lucky and Shadow if you're REALLY lucky). As the old saying goes, there is no Perfect Pasta Sauce. Only Perfect Pasta Sauces.

    Perhaps SEGA just sees too much risk in making toys of other characters? I mean guess that makes sense, seeing as people see most of the characters other than Sonic to be of lacking use (in the games, at least), even though one could argue that was SEGA's fault in some ways but I'm not going into that now. So making toys of characters people might not like is a bit of a risk, and considering SEGA takes to risk like a Levantine Assassin takes to a swimming pool it's not surprising that characters based on others like Shade, Chip or other forms of Metal just don't exist outside of fan projects. They should at least attempt it, though. Like, imagine if they had a system in place where you could send in images of your OC and they make a plush toy out of it. Imagine just how lucrative of a business that would be.

  8. 8 hours ago, Mike Arcade said:

    What would you have done with the Shadow Androids and how would you have used them? For that matter why didn't Metal Sonic use them during Sonic Heroes?

    All things said, I don't buy how Eggman made near-perfect replicas of Shadow. If he can do that, on a massive scale no less, why do Metal Sonic and his relatives look the way they do? Why does Tails Doll look like a basic Etsy project? No, I think Eggman got some help out of it. But from who? Considering my plan with Shadow the Hedgehog's story is to take a hatchet to most of the frankly pointless storylines and condense it into three possible timelines (Good, Bad, Neutral, THEN the final story with ending variations depending on which timeline the player played last), the side-story for the Neutral run would be Shadow and Sonic trying to figure out who helped create them. Eventually, it would be revealed that they are also a product of Gerald's research, one forced on him by GUN and modified further by Black Doom. They would be clones of Shadow, their skeletons replaced by endoskeletons so they could be controlled on the frontlines and NOT go rogue. Yeah, that's incredibly dodgy stuff, removing their free will and all that, but it fits in with the rest of the shady stuff that both GUN and the Black Arms forced on Gerald.

    Seriously, how did GUN not get raked over the coals for that major screw-up, considering it came back to bite them in the backside no less than twice, and killed countless along the way?

    During the game itself, both the Black Arms AND Eggman would release the Shadowbots alongside their regular troops, making it appear to GUN that Shadow is working with everyone and everything. This, alongside a general order from GUN's higher-ups to eradicate all involvement with Project Shadow, would be the reason as to why GUN troops still attack you, even if you're actively helping them. The reasoning for the other two would be that the Black Arms are mindless beasts even with Black Doom's guidance and see Shadow as an abomination, while Eggman's robots would still attack Shadow because...well, it's Eggman.

    Finally, during the events of Shadow, I would theorise that Metal was looking behind the scenes while adapting to the Chaos data that Eggman gave him. He would see how the Shadowbots are used, and determine two things; A: that using them would make people cotton on to Eggman quicker, compromising the time he would need to develop his powers and plan and B: the bots just aren't durable or strong enough to be worth using, even as foot soldiers. Notice how all of the enemies in Heroes are vastly more durable and/or threatening than Eggman's designs before or since. Compare the standard Eg Pawn here to the "Eh I'll shoot you I guess" Egg Pawns from Forces that explode if you sneeze on them. A third possible theory is that Metal, owing to his increasing insanity, simply saw the bots as underneath him and the rest of his army, not even giving the time of day to use them.

  9. Okay, well what about the reverse? What if Sonic Forces was like Sonic Lost World in terms of gameplay?

    For me personally, that almost would kind of make some sense. Just remove all of the "planets" in the game and have the gameplay in more standard 3D areas as Forces itself does. I'd think that'd work a lot better as Lost World by design encouraged actual level layouts to account for the flawed-yet-interesting parkour mechanic.

  10. On 4/5/2018 at 6:01 AM, Mike Arcade said:

    How is it that putting Wisps into Weapons is okay, but putting Flickies and Bunny Rabbits in Motobugs isn't?

    Because they needed to put Wisps into Sonic Forces SOMEHOW...

    Okay, two issues, probably still too early to tell, but regardless; how do you all feel about IDW Sonic so far? 

  11. Does anyone remember Lawbreakers? No? Don't worry, neither did anyone else!

    Honestly, I do feel bad for Boss Key Studios, they clearly put a lot of effort into Lawbreakers and...it just didn't work. I mean it did better than Battleborn, but it just kind of got squished between the titans of Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. Then again, hero shooters aren't quite as popular as they used to be. Everyone's focusing on Battle Royale games now, so if they waited a few months they'd be able to make a few tweaks and rise as a unique shooter all of its...


    ...Oh. Well, I guess I better give it a chance...

  12. 7 hours ago, Mike Arcade said:

    What if Sonic Lost World was a Modern "Boost" style Sonic game? How would that have changed it's reception along with it's future title Sonic Forces?


    If Lost World was anything like Forces, I very much doubt it'd be anything special. The story was already impressively poor, so the "run down this hallway" gameplay of Forces would probably be the last straw for a lot of people.

  13. 7 hours ago, Mike Arcade said:

    How would you handle the whole "Faker" plot that got Sonic captured by GUN at the beginning of SA2?


    ...Really is that simple. The script was obviously written with his design in mind and for some inane reason it was just never changed or attempted to be justified when Shadow's design was finalised. That isn't to say that Shadow wouldn't be in the game or that Terios would replace him; perhaps Terios was another prototype (doubling as a Development Gag, therefore) between Shadow and Biolizard, disguising as Sonic and taking the emerald for Eggman. The game could even open with a playable version of this event, allowing a better idea of how Sonic ended up in the situation he is in. Then, perhaps after a while, Terios decides he doesn't like being evil and tries to befriend Sonic, up to the point that he switches place with him when Eggman drops that capsule into the atmosphere, killing him and leaving Shadow to be sweet-talked by Chris Amy and then finishing what Terios started.

  14. 8 hours ago, Akessel92 said:

    Now that I think about it, Shadow will be difficult as the need to adjust him to that universe would be needed. Though I think other Sega characters like Mighty, Ray, Tikal, Chaos, could be in the SatAM universe. 

    This sort of topic on applying fanservice is honestly a deep and complex topic - might have to make a whole other topic about it, in fact - but to keep it on topic, here is my take on it;

    For fanservice like this, one of two things need to be the case; either the character is properly woven into the narrative or is simply outside of it altogether. This is where Boom Shadow and Classic Sonic both fail. The former was only transplanted in because of fanservice, and it shows through Shadow barely existing in the world of the show. The backstory and traits that made Shadow's character are now just gone, and what replaces it is generic at best and insulting to the character at worst. He was clearly shoehorned into something he just didn't belong, taking time and focus away from characters that may have needed it more, and filling that dead air with empty, faux-Vegeta nonsense.

    As for the latter, you could happily remove Classic from Forces altogether...and basically NOTHING would change. Actually, the same goes for most of the villains too. 

    To swing this around to the actual topic, to get a believable implementation of someone like Shadow, you'd either need to keep his role small and probably brief, or basically rewrite the guy from the ground up to fit in SATAM's world. My suggestion would be to make him a pure machine of war from Robotnick. No Ark, no Maria, maybe not even any Chaos Powers. Perhaps combine him with Metal (who would fit better in the show on account of coming from the same timeframe) and make a Composite Character, therefore putting a fresh spin on both. But THEN you have to ask yourself, is that even Shadow anymore? And if he isn't...then what's even the point of putting him in the show? Put simply, I'd say characters closer to SATAM's years of development, such as Mighty and Ray, would be easier and more sensible to integrate into the show, over a character made for a completely different type of audience at a very different time.

    Oh yes, and this kind of reasoning is why I personally don't want the Freedom Fighters in IDW Sonic. Like it or not, IDW Sonic's setup has been written with SEGA'S quarter-baked substitute for the Freedom Fighters in mind.  Having them in the comic just because you want them to will just result in the wrong focus on the wrong thing...whatever that may be. I may be wrong, I hope I'm wrong, but the point stands that Modern Sonic cannot be trusted for reasonable storytelling anymore. At least with SATAM the sky was the limit...for a good while, at least. 

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