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Posts posted by WarTraveller

  1. I apologise, but I personally thought the game was just awful. While the  Avatar system was really cool and it had some potential and a good handful of decent stages, the gameplay was inferior to Generations and the story was a joke. In Sonic Mania you had returning fan-favourite characters and surprise cameoes. In Forces? All the decent characters are illusions and the actual characters are butchered. And that's not even getting into the insult that was Super Sonic for 2 bucks. 

    I understand this REALLY isn't what you want to hear from me, but I just hate this game. It was the type of game I wanted so much, but was just an insult. It feels lazy, cynical, cobbled together and I almost feel like it is laughing directly at fans who dared not get on their knees and pray to the God King Classic. 

  2. As a celebration of 27 years of nostalgia and gaming, SonicGuru has decided to run a sort of contest to see what the community thinks is the best Sonic the Hedgehog character! And everyone is invited to take part! The rules are simple;

    • Tell him your choices for the three best Sonic characters in the series. They can be from any part of the franchise; game, comic book, normal book, tv show, anime, film and so on.
    • A little diatribe explaining why you think they're such good characters is not required, but it IS appreciated - and it may help make your case.
    • NO FAN CHARACTERS - which makes sense, I suppose.
    • Deadline is May 1st, 2018.

    If you're wondering, here are my picks for Three Best Characters in Sonic (in no specific order);

    1. Rouge the Bat: In a franchise known for badly-written female characters, from the stalker Amy Rose, to...well, Princess Elise, Rouge kind of stands out as a character that SEGA haven't actually botched (or at least she's not AS botched as the rest of them). She's still a fairly independant, powerful, assertive and effective character who mixes her roles of Agent, Spy and Thief without one aspect overtaking the other and allowing herself to be Flanderised for it. Except whenever the fanbase tries to write her. Or in Treasure Team Tango. But those don't count.
    2. Shade the Echidna: Yes, really. Shade was a character that took a few risks in a game that took a few risks; she was an Echidna, she was competant, she had a good character to her and she was badass. Plus her design is cool and her personality is cool and her weaponry and background is cool and - frankly - she is better than her supposed inspiration (Julie Su) in every way. And then...Penders happened, and the games haven't taken a single risk since. Well, except for...
    3. The Avatar: Yes, it's glorified fanfiction. Yes, it's pandering to the highest degree. Yes, the actual character creator isn't as deep as it could have been. And yes, the game he hails from is utter pigswill. But The Avatar from Forces was such a bold move, very clearly done in the face of all the mockery and DeviantART references it was bound to recieve. It would have been so easy to botch it and make the Avatar too powerful and competant (on par with resident Mascot Sue Sonic, of course), making the whole thing feel like self-insert fanfiction at its grossest...and they did. But it's still damn fun to mess around with both the character and the creator, and even with his hyper-competancy it's still a lot better than what the rest of the game was like...at least he actually got to do something outside of stand around and smile. COUGHCLASSICCOUGH
  3. 42 minutes ago, DaddlerTheDalek said:

    Do you think that we are going to get Sega & Sonic related cameos and easter eggs in Steven Spielberg's movie Ready Player One?

    VERY likely. I mean, Sonic is very much an icon of gaming. Frankly it'd be weird if he and Mario WEREN'T in it. Unless they're focusing specifically on more hardcore videogame characters, much like Wreck it Ralph focused more on the arcade-y and kid-friendly ones.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, TheRedStranger said:

    No. I am not asking for a character assassination. I am asking for a more abstract and general topic to keep these threads going. For example - there could be more people like this in the world doing what she is doing. So what specifically is what she doing wrong as a a general subject?  

    Well THAT...I can't tell you. I'm not even sure why she was mad at the company.

  5. 1 minute ago, TheRedStranger said:

    I think this sounds like a contentious topic best served for the dialogue section. Give me an idea of what you find to be the problem with this person and we will create a more general topic in that section.

    Well she's a petty psycho who doesn't take no for an answer, for one.

    For a more unbiased opinion, it seems she does seem to be spoiled and...well, petty. I don't remember the details all that well, but I know she went to the ends of the earth to sue people she worked for, and felt like she was in the right all along.

  6. 5 minutes ago, TheRedStranger said:


    Thos topic is overly specific and not gaining traction. Could you help me broaden this to a more general topic Traveller? What did you wish to accomplish with this topic? I don’t want to have to delete it but we have a strong policy about keeping threads streamlined and organized for ease of navigating and processing info about the site to facilitate more communication. 

    I wanted to use this to keep a sort of timeline on the whole Alex Mauer debacle, perhaps invite some discussion on her actions. But it got so numerous and so utterly petty on her side that I sort of gave up. You can delete this if you want.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Prince By-Tor said:

    Like I said; we need to quit begging for scraps from Sega and these “ official” sources when we have a feast of stories and original work amongst us fans and much, much better quality to boot. 

    I agree with Tor. We COULD moan about how this new character is a toy and evil and communist and not Sally or we could...you know, do something about it.

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