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Posts posted by MoKat

  1. 1 hour ago, Mike Arcade said:

    ... there's no real ongoing plot or story arc that holds the series together at all. There's no real mysteries or sense of wonder, it's literally just Sonic and Friends during their off time. I mean that concept alone for maybe a few episodes would be fine, but if that's the basis for your whole show than is it really any better than fan works that have been doing so since the early 2000s?

    I think you just put your finger on what really bothered me about the series, Mike.

    Given the tendency for fans to explore " what could have been ", I wouldn't rule that out, Red.

    • Like 1
  2. The jist of the chapter focuses on showing empathy. Specifically, instead of just telling someone to "calm down", the book suggests reassuring the subject that things will improve.  Of course, this requires you to put on a calm face & demeanor.


    "Calm down!" is criticism of people's behavior and implies that they have no right to be upset.


    ...look the person in the eye, touch him gently if appropriate, and say, "It's going to be all right. Talk to me. What's the trouble?"


    If someone says "Calm down!" to you, say "I'm obviously not calm and there are reasons for it..." That should open the door for that person to help, but if he doesn't respond in a more meaningful way, further discussion is probably unwise.


    • Like 2
  3. On 9/22/2018 at 3:18 PM, TheRedStranger said:

    To be honest, I think Harari’s historical analysis is intellectually dishonest.


    I agree; that's why it rubbed me the wrong way.

    What we are really seeing here is a cognitively dissonant man trying to piece together his disjointed postmodern, relativist philosophy with some clean cut unified theory, all after realizing the devestating effects of his intellectual certainty in uncertainty, which has lead to the tribalist Gentelian politics of today. Flip the color of the people, and you get white supremicism.

    I was thinking along those lines, but you stated it more eloquently that I would have.





    I would consider opening up a Nature vs Nurture Topic in the Dialogue section. 


    That was an interesting study; thank you for sharing, Red.

    I wasn't looking to open a new topic, but as I said before it didn't seem to fit any existing ones.

  4. On 9/18/2018 at 9:56 AM, Wulfsbane said:

    I credit it for helping me get into Sonic itself.



    Same here. I've never been wild about platforming games, so it wasn't the games that drew me into the fandom. SatAM, especially its cast of characters, is what really drew me in-for better or worse. That was one of the few shows I was willing to get up early on Saturdays to watch.

  5. I managed to read Spam Nation by Brian Krebs earlier this year. This novel isn't overly technical and what few technical terms that appear are adequately explained. It was interesting how so much spam was connected to rogue pharmacies and how Russian spammers tried to outdo each other.

    {Edit: I just found & read this article: The myth of freedom. Still trying to decide which thread is the most appropriate for discussing its contents.}

  6. On 7/13/2018 at 10:13 AM, Mike Arcade said:

    So, Chaotix claw hand aside would guys say that this is loosely based off of Sonic Spinball's Bonus Stage or Casinopolis' Pinball tables from SA1?

    Hrmm...tough call. I'm kinda leaning toward Casinopolis' Pinball tables right now.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/14/2018 at 3:19 PM, WarTraveller said:

    Also, to put this into perspective, EA (generally considered to have had the worst E3 presentation in years) put on a cringe-inducing show with little game details, some fairly obvious lies concerning lootboxes and angered most people with a mobile Command and Conquer game...and their stock went up by 12%.

    That's just wrong >.<

    (Makes me wish this forum had a "puke" emoji)

  8. On 12/21/2017 at 2:04 PM, MoKat said:

    Yeah, the teasers are weak, but I know how From likes to troll the fanbase. Castielle over at Extra Life pointed out the following:

    Yup. No mention of Sony Japan Studio, so it's probably not a sequel to Bloodborne IMO.

    Confirmed at E3: this is a new IP; the full title is "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice". Looks interesting.

    *posts Vaati's video about ti*

    A Gameplay Breakdown of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


  9. 45 minutes ago, Mike Arcade said:

    I just want Cartoons in the States to have details again, that doesn't pander to genders or pesudo-social made up phrases, to have depth. Because such so-called "gems" now are nothing but fake diamonds that'll break within the weight of time.

    Agreed. Most animated shows these days have a disturbing lack of depth, or even likeable characters for that matter - even Looney Tunes had likeable characters :P

    The decline of the quality of the shows on Cartoon Network led me to drop the channel when cable rates went up last year. "disappointing trend" indeed; I will NOT be watching this bastardization of a series I loved - not even on You Tube :p.

    BTW, I also believe "cultural appropriation" is not a thing & would like to smack some sense into the people who think it is.

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/8/2018 at 6:25 PM, TheRedStranger said:

    Excellent work! Your sense of composition is improving. This is more a constructive graphics-design tip than general art tip: notice how the tail at the bottom is cropped by the screen. You can make the curvilleanear motion of the fish ”flow@” across the composition better by zomming the subject (the cat and fish in a little bit more toward the center) and finishing the line work for the tail if you wish to use this as a later date. Your line work is also getting cleaner and more defined. Some tapering and thick’s and thins would make it even better. 

    Yeah, the tail was a casualty of my crappy software not providing me with a workspace that was large enough to accommodate the full image (Compare the color image to the line art above - both have the tail cut off and came close to cutting off the ear as well.).

    As for variation in line thickness goes, it would be a lot easier if I had a decent pen (or a brush; but brush & ink can get messy in a hurry - I'm the type of artist who tends to get as much paint on herself as on the painting :D)

  11. Meh, that interview didn't go as well as I thought it did.

    Moving on to a more amusing topic...

    There's a restaurant in this area called "Catfish Kitchen". Recently, while I was talking about it I accidentally called it "Catfish Kitten". Hilarity (NOT to be confused with Hillary) resulted & inspired this drawing:


  12. On 3/17/2018 at 4:16 PM, Akessel92 said:

    Robotnik look so ridiculous.  

    Yeah, he does :D:D

    On 3/18/2018 at 12:38 AM, TheRedStranger said:

    Its majestic! Look at those glorious Daisy Nipples on his Potbelly Breastplate! Eat your heart out Joel Schumacuer! xD

    Kat, you know, if you like fantasy like Souls - we are doing a D&D 5E style RP that takes place in Satam/EoT’s far past. Perhaps you would like to join up?

    I'm on rather irregularly, so I hate to commit to anything long term, especially given that Real Life has a habit of throwing curveballs at me. For example, I have an interview at the local TSA office Monday. If I get the TSO job, it will be split-shift (not so bad, but the first shift is from 4-6 am o.O;) Even if I did have time, I dunno which character to use for that. Kat Mokat is usually for comedic RP's. Kalindra would be more suitable, but every RPG I've used her in has stalled. A brand new character perhaps (?)

    And speaking of Kalindra...


    ... I really need to draw a new pic of her :P

  13. On 7/2/2017 at 10:42 PM, SallyAcornLover said:

    I don't know how you feel about that, but most of the people in my circle of friends and I who grew up with consoles, don't really like playing games on these modern mobile phones.
    It just doesn't give you the same feeling as if you would play a game like the remastered version of Sonic 2 on a console.
    They have horrible controller functions in my opinion. ^^

    *nods* That's why I don't like playing platformers on a mobile phone. Most of my mobile games are RPGs or puzzle games.

    As for Sonic Mania, It looks pretty cool. I saw Indeimaus' video about it recently, but I'm reluctant to post it cuz Indeimaus has a potty mouth.

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