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Everything posted by SonicSatamX93

  1. Hmm... I didn't think of that, but you're right. Sally's dress didn't exactly mesh with the royal attire of her home and more likely was a fantasy of hers wanting to be one of those princesses who finds true love from a noble knight and lives happily for the rest of her days. Little did she realize, fate had other plans. And in a weird sort of way, her being exiled made her mature and grow up alot faster than she would have had things gone as she had wanted it to. Who knows? Maybe she would have been like Princess Peach in her fantasy world. That... would have not been good for her character the more I think about it. Only question left I wonder about is how long the transition would have taken from her shedding her royal garments in utmost humility to eventually wearing ones more like a leader of a rebellion against Robotnik. Maybe 6 months? A year or two? Who can say for sure. Something I need to ponder for a bit since I'm planning on writing that as part of the pilot in my Satam fic.
  2. Anyway, just to add another topic of conversation, how would you have handled Sally and Bunnie's transition when it came to their personal attire choices? As we are all aware, in the Blast to the Past when they were young children, Sally wore a Princess Jasmine style of dress and Bunnie wore nothing at all. And yet in Knothole 10 years later, Sally is wearing nothing but boots and Bunnie is wearing a purple leotard. Me personally, I would have go it something like this. After Robotnik took over, Sally was so overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, she literally cast aside her royal garments in humility as a symbol of her royal heritage being stripped from her. One could argue she just outgrew them since that's the only attire she could take with her, but Rosie was there for a short while and could possibly make another outfit or even teach her how to make her own clothes. However, I believe Sally chose this for a time because the events mentioned above humbled her to the point she felt unworthy of even looking remotely like a princess. Now that's not to say I would have done like Satam and have Sally just wear vest and a boots since I think that's a bit too revealing, but I would have it so Sally would gradually wear casual attire to further her character development to show she's not only humble, but wants to be on the same level as her friends and comrades, in-spite of the fact she's still technically royalty. As for Bunnie? Well, I'm not 100% sure why she was originally not wearing any attire at age 5. Maybe her family was a bunch of naturists? Maybe she just felt more comfortable that way as a young child since quite a few do that at that age? Who can say for sure? But anyway, I think she would most likely would choose to live like that until about 10-12 when she got half roboticized. Maybe Bunnie would have chosen to wear attire before then, but since there is so very little on her character's personality at that age, I'm just going with my own interpretation for now. So again, I personally would have made it so Bunnie eventually chose to wear that leotard as a way to cover up her own body's roboticized scars. Heck, I'd say she did it to cover up her emotional ones as well. She couldn't bear to see herself half machine,so she covered up everything that could possibly be hidden in order to deal with it. And with her body starting to develop as well, one could even argue it was a two for one solution. But anyhow... that's just my interpretation. So, I'd like to hear what everyone else's opinion is on this topic.
  3. I assure you I'm not going to have it so Knothole has a military grade base right off the bat in Part 4. That comes much later in the series. Even I know this has to be done gradually to show how they started with very little and eventually becoming the main threat to the Robotnik Empire. However, when they start making constant raids, it's only a matter of time before Robotnik gets fed up with their intrusions and sends out his forces to put a stop to it. That's why I mentioned them planting Krudzu around the Great Forest. It's the first step to protecting their home. That and them making their own crude explosives to defend themselves. They'll need it when Robotnik finally comes to destroy the Great Forest. But yes, Robotnik will be drilling for oil, minerals, gems, etc as well on the side. He would be wanting to find the most powerful energy source on Mobius to make any who oppose him a dire mistake. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it. While you have a point about introducing too many things at once, I assure you each one has a purpose behind it. I'm not putting Krudzu along with Metal and Silver Sonic just to add other elements from other canons. The Krudzu will play a big role in the first season of being a deterrent when Robotnik tries to use his robotic army to destroy Knothole. Eventually he will render it as a useless defense as time goes on, but it will nonetheless give the Knothole Freedom Fighters something they can rely on until they can find a better method to keep Robotnik away from their secret entrance. Also, Metal and Silver Sonic will not be just your standard robotic versions of Sonic. Quite the contrary in fact. Both of them will play a significant role in not only being used to further Robotnik's power, but also hold a bombshell of a secret that will make Sonic nearly lose the will to battle them. I won't spoil it on here for now, I suppose I could give you one hint through a PM if you really want to know.
  4. Alright, I'll answer my own questions, along with some others. 1: If I was going to do the pilot, I would make it a 4 parter like Sonic Underground did. While I did not like how it was executed in that mediocre at best show, I do admit it was nice to show Sonic developing as a hero. So, for Part 1, I'd show how Sonic and his friends cope with Robotnik's invasion and trying to survive on their own, especially once Rosie ends up captured and roboticized. Part 2 would introduce Tails' arrival at the Great Forest and how Sonic would discover his hidden abilities when fending off Swatbots when trying to apprehend them both. Then, Sally would later discover Tails had great power within him after doing some investigating about his background. Part 3 would be about the team's first mission together invading Robotropolis when around the age of 12, and Bunnie not being experienced, ends up getting captured and nearly fully roboticized, barely being saved by Sonic and Sally in time. And for Part 4? It would about 3 years later where the Freedom Fighters have now upgraded their base and arsenal to be a real threat to Robotnik. And after they put a major dent into his operation during their latest invasion, Robotnik would retaliate by going with a massive invasion of the Great Forest, planning to burn it to the ground, only to be outsmarted yet again thanks to some cleverly hidden Krudzu plants around it by Princess Sally. Driven back once more, Robotnik at the end vows to unleash his secret weapons on them to finish them off once and for all, none other than his duo of Metal and Silver Sonic. 2: Well, anyone's who read my fics knows I would indeed do that. And like Redstranger mentioned, any added characters' backstories would be refined and reshaped to fit the Satam universe. They're not going to be added recklessly. Any non Sonic Satam character added to to the story will have a purpose or won't be included. And the reason why I would is because I believe the Satam universe should be THE MAIN universe of the Sonic canon, not the games. Nothing against good game universes like Sonic Adventure, but I believe even that story could be reshaped to fit into the Satam universe as well. 3: Yes, I would expand upon their battles. For starters, I like the idea of them winning as a team because of their strategies and perseverance. One of my biggest complaints with the show is how Sonic was pretty much did 75% of the heavy lifting. And I get it. He's the main character, but seriously, he was absurdly OP at times. I rather he be the rabbit of the team, meaning he's the main one Robotnik and his army focuses on due to his super speed and abilities, while the others set up ambushes and explosives to lure them into a well organized trap. Same for Sally as well. Season 2 made her too Mary-Sueish at times. While I understand Sonic is the heart and Sally is the soul of the team, that doesn't mean Bunnie and Antoine, along with Rotor and the others are insignificant. Like I mentioned above, it should be a team effort, not a one man or woman show. Heck, one of my ideas for them to beat Robotnik during a battle for territory and resources is use a strategy similar from a battle in ancient warfare where they use the wind and a double agent to set up a perfect ambush where they appear to be surrounded, and then unleash the trap, unleashing a massive EMP wave onto Robotnik's troops, frying them, and then setting fire to Robotnik's current base, using the wind's current direction to completely engulf it, forcing Robotnik to flee on foot back to Robotropolis since all of his machines are kaput. Seriously, I would have loved to have seen more of those kind of battles because that's what war is all about: Outsmarting and out-muscling your opponent to beat them. I get the fact it's a kid's show, but there's no reason why the battles couldn't have been more than just Sonic busting up machines and Sally doing her stuff with Nicole. I get the fact that's part of it, but I want to see different strategies and scenarios to keep it interesting. 4: I would mostly keep them the same, save for a few differences. For starters, I'd want Bunnie to have more of a hatred and sorrow towards her roboticized limbs. While I wouldn't want her to be angst like Shadow, I do believe she shouldn't just be ok with this completely either. I mean, she lost half her body to the roboticizer. That's going to leave some emotional scars. Heck, now that I think about it, all the Freedom Fighters should carry some emotional baggage about what Robontnik put them through. You know, nothing over the top, but they shouldn't be happy go lucky all the time either. Like I mentioned above, they are at war, and that's not something you just handle lightly. Plus, it'd be good character development too. One of my ideas for Antoine to expand upon why he's a coward is because he saw firsthand what happened to his father during a mission and it nearly broke him. Even when they gave him his sword to possibly fight with, he could not muster the courage to use it because of that horrible event. His father was a big part of his life and once he was gone, Antoine lost that rock he leaned on for strength during difficult times. Granted, I do plan on him eventually overcoming it, but not for awhile since I believe it should be in gradual steps like Archie Sonic did. And last and certainly least, I would try to give an explanation where Dulcy came from. Like say... they rescued her from a Swatbot invasion of Dragon's Keep and they discovered, like Tails, she had great power hidden within her. Seriously, that was just so stupid how she's just there with no explanation in Season 2. I hate it when shows do that because it's incredibly lazy. Would it have killed them to have Season 2's opener have the Freedom Fighters meet her and she joins them in their quest to free Mobius? 5: As the others mentioned, I would have as well. Because hey, who doesn't want to see how our Freedom Fighters are carrying on once the war is over? So, unlike Archie's, I would have done it 10 years into the future rather than 25/30, where they're all in their late 20's and some of them even have kids. I mean, why show them when they're past their prime? That's just dumb. As for the story, I'm still pondering it over, but for now, I'm possibly considering it be about how a treasure hunt gone wrong by Rouge and Nack where they accidentally frees Mephiles and Iblis from a forbidden chest, causing them to escape and attack Mobotropolis after it's been rebuilt, engulfing it into flames, causing the death of many civilians, including Sally's father. Blaze and Silver soon appear on the scene to drive them back temporarily, but the damage done is nevertheless catastrophic. Eventually, they have one final showdown in the open fields where Sonic, along with Shadow join them to fight these vile creatures and finally rid Mobius the final evil of the planet. I admit that story does need some fine tuning, but I think it could be good as a finale to the series since it'd be a great way to introduce Blaze and Silver, as well make Silver relevant by making him the strongest between him, Sonic and Shadow. I am so sick of seeing Silver treated like an incompetent idiot. I'm not saying he shouldn't have some of that to keep him balanced, but seriously, give the guy some dignity instead of always being a punching bag.
  5. Here's some questions I have. I'll answer them eventually, along with some of the others but I'd like other opinions on the matter, so here goes. #1: How would you have written the pilot episode of the series? #2: Would you or not include characters and elements from other Sonic series if possible? And if yes, who/what and why? #3: Would you have expanded upon how the Freedom Fighters fought a battle against Robotnik and if yes, how would you do it? #4: Besides the characters mentioned above, are there any there others whose origins you would have possibly changed? #5: Would you have included a MXYL style of story as the finale of the series? And I'm not talking about that crap Archie did, I mean, a good one that shows how the characters are getting along once the war is over. Like say, 10-12 years into future rather than 25-30. That's just way too far ahead.
  6. Thanks. I appreciate it Thanks. Well, I don't know if I'll post my stories on here just yet. I'm actually revising for a 3rd time, but once I have it figured out, I'll let you know Thanks. Thank you. I'll take a look at em. Of course. You'll see it as soon after I finished writing the first part. Granted, I am thinking of doing a synopsis of episodes first to give people an idea what I have in mind. I could show you some of that if you want.
  7. SonicSatamX93 here, Yes, I'm the same from DA in case anyone's wondering, so dropping by to say hi.
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