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Mike Arcade

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Posts posted by Mike Arcade

  1. *Claps*

    I gotta say, I never thought of it that way before, great job man.

    I'm probably saying this because I've been watching The Dark Knight Movies lately, but that reminds me of how The Joker of that series turned Gotham upside down with just "a couple of drums of gasoline and a few bullets". I mean you don't get that kind of villain anymore in the comic, nowadays the so-called villains of the series Post-Reboot seem to be more like the actual protagonists of the comic rather then villains, at least regarding a majority of The Egg Bosses anyway. You don't get any villains anymore with a hint of espionage to them, or just being complete monsters other then Eggman.

  2. Interesting, very interesting topic here, I like it. :)

    Though I would like to point out several things, it is true that the term Silver Sonic applies only to the Archie Comics, in fact the Sonic 2 GG Silver Sonic that is referred to in the international manual, in fact according to the original manual in japan he is referred to as Mecha Sonic, technically we have 4 Mecha Sonics in Sega Sonic, including Test Tube Mecha in SA1.

    It's funny to me how Mecha Sonic from S3&K has the most prominent ability of using the emeralds to use a Super Form, you'd think SEGA would latch on to him but Metal Sonic just ends up being more popular, unless we're talking about the fanbase which could make that comparison more head to head. I mean I would like to see Mecha make a new appearance but that's highly unlikely.

    Rocket Metal I believe is actually a robot Tails made to spy on The Death Egg II, but I can't remember where I got that info from, I'll have to fact check that.

    I would like to point out that "Titan Metal Sonic" as he's dubbed in Archie Sonic is called Metal Sonic Kai when it comes to Sega Sonic, while Chaotix is somewhat unfinished if you ask me I think that's due to Robotnik using his Chaos Ring on him to undergo that...transformation? It's very unclear, much like Chaotix, and Sega Sonic in general. XP

    I'd also like to say that Metal Sonic in Rivals 2 pulled something of his own "will" at the end of Rivals 2, that being using a Chaos Emerald he had on him the whole time to get himself and Shadow out of that Ifrit Dimension. It's speculated that Eggman wiped Metal's Memory after Heroes though unconfirmed, but I don't think there are 2 Metals running around, just one that keeps getting rebuilt, going rogue, and getting mind wiped.

    You know Arcna, you just blew my mind a bit regarding the games, because I never presumed that Eggman could have had Emerl for who knows how long, and used him as a basis for Metal's Copy Ability. Actually, considering how Metal is similar to Dural in that game Robotnik might have had Emerl for years and used some Gizoid Tech on Metal around that time as early as that. I had a completely different thought process regarding the copy ability in Heroes, because it's never actually explained in the game. Thanks man, hope to see what other sort of Robots you have on this topic and your thoughts on them, though I would like to point out to go for either the Badniks next or The E-Series. :)

  3. Geez guys way to lighten the mood. XP

    Yeah it is unlikely, though in an optimistic perspective that's the best case scenario, even though it's highly unlikely. However I would like to point out that the mainstream public DID except a few serious...or at least semi-serious stories involving "furry" characters, such as The Secret of NIMH and especially The Lion King...though they were more animal in most regards, not to mention Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck being some pretty good examples, I would say SWAT Kats but that would be more my preference then anything else.

    I would like to say that Boom is a least somewhat successful, after all it's getting a 2nd season, though unless they change things around with how the show goes that might just be the last season it gets, then again Teen Titans GO is still around so heck if I know. Not only that but the toy sales from Boom have put in a decent profit if it's to be believed, though that's debatable.

    Though I will say this, Boom isn't as successful due to how the show is and the poor result of it's first wave of games, that's obvious to point out though, perhaps I could go into better detail with the show itself at another topic, but that's for another day. Honestly I struggled pointing out what Boom did right.

  4. I don't have a particular list per say, though I do think Boom has more flaws then perks that I would like to look over in the future, I can point out some good points to it though.

    For one it revitalized Sonic to a younger demographic that may or may not have known about Sonic beforehand, in that way Sega was successful as Sonic Boom did do this.Granted it's under a separate continuity from the games but with Sticks being incorporated into the latest Mario & Sonic Olympics Game it makes me wonder just what are they going to do with Boom and Sega Sonic.

    Speaking of which, Sticks has become the breakout character for the show, so much so that as I've mentioned is being brought in with the Sega Sonic cast in the previously mentioned game. This is very important to notice, as the only time a character outside of the games has appeared in one of the games was in Sonic Spinball having Sally, Bunnie, and Rotor, and Sonic Adventure DX's Mission Mode showing a promo poster of Sonic X with Chris Thorndyke.
    However unlike previous cameos, she is mentioned by name and is in the front lines, which has never happened before. This could bring in the possibility of other characters coming outside of the games into the games, though from previous series such as SatAM, STC, and so forth that seems unlikely.

    So why does that matter then? Well the thing is Sonic Boom parallels an interesting time of being the first Sonic show in years, Sonic Boom is obviously at this point a nonsense comedy with little to no stakes in the matter, much like another Sonic Cartoon from over 13 years ago. That's right, I'm comparing Sonic Boom as the modern counterpart of AoSTH. Granted AoSTH was ever more insane then Sonic Boom and had more stakes to it in some points, but it does raise an interesting question, what will come after Sonic Boom? Around the same time as AoSTH, but slightly after it's debut came SatAM, could history repeat itself? Could we get another Sonic Show afterwards that has some real stakes to it and characters we can relate and care about? Would it be a revival to the concept of Mobius and The Freedom Fighters, or go in a completely different direction? Who can say, but I will say that Sonic Boom for all it's zaniness and faults is that it opens up the possibility for something much greater to come after it, if that's the case Sonic Boom might have just been worth it after all.

    At least that's what I think about Sonic Boom's impact as a whole, as for the show itself...yeah I can point out some nice bits to it.

    Yeah Tails getting a girlfriend that he doesn't have to kill or a crush that turns heel is a nice change of pace, even though she's a complete block of wood it's a start. We do have Perci...whose only used as a generic background character despite having an actual name...hmm...

    Ah I got it, Swifty the Shrew, RADICAL SPEED! :D

  5. Impressive, I'd go for a similar route though I think a big attack would make for a good distraction elsewhere that wasn't the palace in Mobotropolis, and while that happens Robotnik takes the king, checkmate. :P

    Regarding Nicole though SatAM wise Robotnik really did a number on her, and gave her WAY too much power if we go by Ben Hurst's proposal, he really placed his bets on her as his ultimate weapon and was far too confident that he could control her, but that is how Robotnik works.

    On that note guys I've got two questions of my own.

    1. How would you do Nicole's Origins in SatAM?

    My 2nd question on the other hand regards the lack of limelight she had in SatAM, that being...

    2. When it comes to Bunnie, what would you have done with her?


  6. The dialogue below me are from a Skype chat I had a number of days ago regarding this same subject, hope you guys like it. :)

    Ah this topic, saw the video a week ago or so.
    I'll say that changing Strange's Mentor not into a Woman, but someone who wasn't Tibet was a cowards move.
    I mean I think the film will end up good, but still.
    As for Ghost in The Shell, I can say that it MIGHT be okay as Kisaragi's body artificial anyway and can look like whoever she wants, she looks different in just about EVERY incarnation anyway.

    But seriously though I'm not sure, if done tastefully then it MIGHT be okay in some regards, whose to say if it's right or not as we are all guilty of it.
    I mean in terms of a story, it shouldn't matter who plays who as long as the person is right for the role. Then again in some regards like in the live action Dragon Ball and King of Fighters movie it was horribly miscast, especially the latter film.
    How about this for an example, I'm not okay with Kyo Kusanagi being played by a white guy, but I'm okay with it if a white guy played as Ryo Sakazaki, as he's half Japanese and American. There are some workarounds with this, I mean heck Peter Dinklage's character in X-Men Days of Future Past wasn't written with him in mind, but it worked out so well.
    As long as it makes sense to the character's origins, background, and most importantly the story, that should depend when it's okay or not.

    I did like how NC pointed out that English Dubs is technically White Washing, that really got me thinking though.
    I mean after all we played as Mobians before in RPs and we aren't Mobians at all anyway. XP
    Perhaps it has to do with our perception of our world, after all you wouldn't see anyone ever making an all White Washed Version of Friday would you?
    If someone did THAT, people would be up in arms, riots in the streets.

    On that note, this reminds me of the Ghostbusters "Remake"
    People aren't mad that it's an all female Ghostbusters team, they are mad that it throws away everything established or a 3rd movie for a different continuity as it's substitute.
    That's what the whole Doctor Strange and Ghost in the Shell arguments remind me of actually.

    For those two movies, I can let it slide, at least I hope Doctor Strange's Mentor Changes weren't intentional. -_-
    But in Strange's Case that's a whole new continuity, separate from what's been established but similar, while Ghost in the Shell has a logical reason why Kisaragi's body is white, but she's actually Japanese, and that's due to her Artificial "Shell".

    In conclusion, White Washing should only be done if it doesn't effect the logic and reality of the established fiction's story and intention, if it's compromised in the right way it can make for a good story, or even a better one, but in the wrong way the logic of the story and it's world falls apart if the actor fails to portray this role correctly.

    So did I hit all the points here or does anyone else want a crack at this? :)

    • Like 2
  7. I believe there is literally NO explanation on why they don't move, though I do have a theory.

    Considering at that point in time Eggman was not only a Robot, but could also Roboticize with a touch, perhaps he roboticized them in a way so that they don't move be default, it's only when he gives them orders they could move.

  8. Since Wulfsbane made an Archie Sonic Reconstruction, I figured this would be a nice companion piece to it.

    This is exactly like Stranger's What Would You Do Differently? You redesign how certain elements from the comic would have been handled had you written for Archie Sonic, because let's face it; we would ALL change something in the comics, or several things really. XP

    That being said, I actually got 3 questions for you guys, that's how I roll when it comes to this.

    1. How would you handle The Echidnas? Yes, of course this is the first question.

    2. Since Sonic Adventure 1's adaption was half a straight forward adaption, half a complete mess, and Sonic Adventure 2's storyline was only a one issue promo for the game, how would you incorporate Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 into the comic?

    3. Let's say, much like Ian Flynn did, you have to Reboot Archie Sonic. Reboot is literally the only option here, in that case how would you handle it?

    • Like 1
  9. What's happening everybody, I'm Mike Arcade!

    So, it's been awhile for those who know me, due to some misadventures and such I figured it'd be a good time to introduce myself on our new Forums.

    For those who don't know me I'm a long time lurker from all around the Sonic Fanbase in general, several years ago I made my debut on a few places here and there, then settled, then vanished; Living in Obscurity as it said on my title in those forums.

    But NOW, with our solo debut my friends have cooked up, what better way to make a big comeback then to mod with my best friends in the world? :)

    I'm a big gamer, played just about any and almost every kind of video game you can think of, Platformers, Shmups, Fighters, FPS, Puzzle, I have a lot of favorites really. I read some books, a few novels but not enough, and sometimes I watch TV but most stream stuff, mostly old favorite shows and a few new ones here and there.

    Sonic has been one of my favorite series ever as a kid, and it's what got me into video games in the first place, I read a few issues of Archie Sonic here and there as a kid but gave me a mixed reaction to it, however once I discovered SatAM and The UK's own Sonic The Comic, the rest as they say is history.

    With that said, I hope to liven up the forums with topics, reviews, and other content as this place of ours rises and soars throughout the fanbase...nay, THE WHOLE WORLD!!!

    Till then, you see you around. ;)

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