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Mobius Third Edition: Early Access


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Hi all!  What a hectic couple months.  Unfortunately, Mobius is a bit delayed (turns out writing 10+ books is a much slower process than it looks!) but here's an early version of the Core Rules and Kingdom of Acorn and Eggman Empire lists to get you started!


Note that these aren't the final versions of these rules and minor updates will be made before the full release.

Sorry for the delay!


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16 hours ago, IoanMakesGames said:

Sorry for the delay

Don’t be sorry for taking your time and making things right! :) 

I will read through this with Mike. I am thinking of playing the rules out here to toe into a Sonic RP. We play this game, and the army tactics and such macrocosmically affect our more microcosmic person-by-person tabletop game in subsequent sessions. Basically using the game as pallet refresher for our regular RP’s. Should be really fun to do. 

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