The most general of general discussion threads! Say whatever, do whatever, anything goes! Well... except homicide maybe... XP (please keep to site rules) Let's see if we reach one thousand pages!
Have a crazed or creepy theory, or something you want to get off your chest? No sanity or sources needed! illuminati reptiles see us all through the chemtail-magic of Harrp.. They plan to force us to only ship SonAmy in their new world order.
Where you and your fellow scribes can swap tales of adventure. Show where you have been, where you live, and all the crazy things you have done throughout this world.
If we see an outstanding member of the community, we'll sit down and talk with them so the others, perhaps newer people, can get a general idea of who's who around here.
Shoot the breeze and be abreast about current events (disclaimer: heady debates will be moved to the Academy Section to keep constructive dialogue flowing.)