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Sonic Mobile Games

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The Sonic Series has dipped it's hands in many platforms, starting with consoles, then handheld, followed by PC in the mid 90's. While in Japan, Sonic had some Cell Phone games in the past, it's not until the last decade has the notion of playing games on your phones has really taken off. Ever since the creation of the iPhone and Android based products, a new way to play games and such has spawned and skyrocketed throughout the world. SEGA of course is no stranger to new ventures, and naturally Sonic would be a good fit for this as well.

So for anyone who wants to talk about the Sonic Games on iOS and Android, here's where we discuss them. From Sonic Dash to Sonic Forces Speed Battle, talk about the latest updates and trends these Sonic games have.

For the tail end of October 2020 and until the middle of November, we've got an event where you can earn Halloween characters of Shadow, Rouge, and Metal Sonic in holiday themed costumes. So nab them while you can for this season if you play the game. :)

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Well to establish how I feel about the mobile games;

Sonic Dash; it's good, but I actively avoid playing it to avoid becoming addicted.

Sonic Dash 2; honestly underrated, but it sadly just got abandoned after Shadow got released.

Sonic Runners; honestly, deserved to get shut down for how awful its methods of getting characters was. Yay gambling(!)

Sonic Jump Fever; it aight

Sonic Forces Speed Battle: Love-Hate. Good idea, but the mechanics are set up to make rare characters distinctly inferior to normal characters as you'll struggle to get them to level 5 when Amy (who is broken, btw) is already max level.

Sega Heroes: RIP Sega Heroes, even if Sonic was too broken for his own good.

Sonic and the Olympic Games; a shallow minigame collection with Super Mario Run's literal paywall. AVOID.

When're we gonna get a Chao Mobile game, Sega? Segaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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