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Everything posted by F07E

  1. Thanks! I assume beta concept big looks better as he can express more than his usual thousand yard stare. As for concept shadow, I've started and stopped more times than I can count, I just cringe too hard to finish thanks to his edginess. With luck, I already drew a sketch for the WRONG p&d. Now wasn't that awkward to find out as I was just about to post!
  2. Yeah, a lot more games require almost half downloads to the system nowadays.
  3. Yet sadly it always feels like every new console generation has less and less storage space somehow.
  4. Y'know the funniest part about that is that the entirety of the sonic classics for megadrive barely fill a micro-SD drive. Technological progress I tells ya, it makes me feel so old.
  5. Nah it'd be Rouge, but sonic, As everyone is sonic. Human sonic is just the awkward dude in the sonic costume during the stream, he too is sonic, as once again everyone is sonic.
  6. Ancient relic guardian sonic, Kid sonic, pyromancer sonic, sea captain sonic, timelord sonic, ninja sonic, detective sonic, dream-god-fairy-thing sonic, emo sonic, fan service sonic, talking vegetable sonic, human sonic... Man that list really is endless.
  7. Sonic 3&K is the best, Sonic 2 is the most memorable, and sonic 1 is the reason we got any of the others, which is why It's disappointing that sega goes the route of a 1/2 combination when making new games rather than 2/3&K or the next logical step of 3&K/Advance3.
  8. Well I smell the scent of nostalgia bait, with the subtle aroma of a disappointing aftertaste.
  9. its a blur for me, I vaguely remember some things but can't place names to them.
  10. I made Steve costume for Calgary comic expo 2 years ago, thats not funny, what is funny is that people who were both lined up for autographs with tom kenny and staff manning a vendor station dropped everything they were doing just to take pictures.
  11. yup, it doesn't help that it was a slog to get through already. though to be fair I find sunset and emerald are alright in my book, they do enough different to actually be fun and keep me entertained.
  12. heh, for some reason that just reminded me of halo 3: odst.
  13. its funny, I actually seriously dislike half the levels from the first sonic. of that list is green hill, spring yard, and the worst one of all: labyrinth. they really overstay their welcome.
  14. Alright then, I should probably hold off till this weekend though as I've still yet to post dark-cringe the edgelord.
  15. Sure, I could take a Crack at it. I'll probably have to make a new topic dedicated to that though, as I'm not really a hundred percent sure, but it could be fun.
  16. It does corkscrew, but it's probably way smaller than that ohio one. Calgary banks more on the stampede when it comes to theme parks. That's the only way I feel I can describe it, as it actually starts on its side before lifting up. I wish!!! Sadly it just includes a lot of spinning flips and the occasional equipment failure.
  17. I feel that cream and amy are seriously under utilized, and when they are it's done so poorly that it prevents them from ever being able to grow as characters. I also think riders had some fantastic level design I wish had been used in mainstream titles, heck the intro to the second one feels like it could be fantastic if it was. And lastly I actually don't mind shipping if it's decently reasonable. If the author can answer the how and why I'm usually alright with it, unless it's too out there.
  18. well I'm a little bit late with this one, I blame my pc's inexplicable need to update to windows 10 without my consent. so anyway here's Jet the not-so-hawk rogue glad they went with bird, bird was legit original not original do-not-steal. (and yes I know my wrist dragged across his face and smudged his goggles, that was my bad.) and because I felt like this was something I should post (as she was technically an unused concept character) a poorly doodled honey the cat I did at work: not the best, but given that I did it on the fly before my 30 minute lunch break ended not too shabby.
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