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Posts posted by TheRedStranger

  1. On 8/22/2021 at 3:55 PM, Senior Bobbert said:

      As a joke to my friends who play @TheRedStrangernew RP game, I read a few funny lines to make my friends laugh. I acted out a parody of our more silly instances of our Roleplaying experiences. This got me thinking about about how media can be used to improve the immersion of a role-playing game. Red uses photos, drawings, notes, texts, letters, sound effects and music to go along with the story. It's a lot of fun, more fun than just talking about things happening. Here's an example, Red has us roll for the weather, the time, and how bad the situation can be. We rolled really bad on the situation outside of a ranger station we needed to get to, for safety, and really well for the inside. He changed the background sounds that made us feel like we are there. All the sudden there was distant shooting and intense spy music like we were in the middle of Armageddon. It's nice to have that all in the background, it really prompts to act a certain way, and really draws you into it.  

    What kind of examples do you have? What media you use for immersion? Background sounds? Texting? Images? Photos? Visuals of what you are suppose to imagine in the game, like drawings?  

    To me, the Theater of The Mind is a powerful thing. It's a tool that lets you see more than that can be created with figures, and marker boards. However, I believe that TTRPG's should not be looked purely the same way a novel is for example, where the reader is most active in the imagining of the story, but passive in the plot. Rather TTRPGs are active movers in the plot, and active imaging of the story as well. It is the bizarre medium in the center of a complex vin diagram of story, somewhere in the twilight zone of video games, novels (especially Forum Based RP), theater, and even cinema. I add cinema because as soon as you add a visual aid, music, or any audio/visual medium, it provides a film quality to the experience. Personally I love to add that flavor to my RP's. Music is a huge part, as well as atmosphere. And I bring my strengths as a writer and artist to the table. I love to kitbash new figures and defy expectation. I even make custom music for my RP's.

     Bottom line, TTRPGS can apply so much of your own personal strengths and hobbies from any artistic manifestation of creativity. Good at music? Bring it to the table. Good at writing? Bring discoverable notes to the table, morsels of mystery and filling up of plot gaps to bridge to the next turn of your game session. Good at drawing? Draw the scenery the character enter, the monsters they face. Same goes with 3D design. If you have a hobby, you can use it at the table. Especially voice acting, physical acting, but even more oblique ones like Cosplay. Use what your good at, what skills you have, to make the immersion shine at your table.

  2. 23 hours ago, MoKat said:

    When I just logged in, I got a notification at the top of the page which said, "Version 4.6.6 of Invision Community is now available"

    Are we gonna update?

    One time actually they accidentally made a security exploit. I am glad I waited for the patch. 😁

    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 hours ago, WarTraveller said:

    Ahh yes, is this from the same line of thinking that prohibits time travel in Chinese media to prevent Chinese citizens from looking back on earlier times before The Great China Era?

    That's not sketchy at all. And these guys just shook hands with the TALIBAN. HOW DOES ANYONE NOT SEE THE RED FLAGS

    They actually have a law banning any media supporting "feudal superstitions." Magical themes, and old mythical themes are basically banned. These guys rewrote all the historical import out of their language Skull-face style. So yeah, the CCP sure do love New-speak, and have a militant oikophobic hate of China's past. This really limits them creatively. Imagine trying to make a D&D story without mentioning magic or Aurthurian, Nordic, Saxon, or Tolkenian themes. That's why a lot of Chinese games really double down on these.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Mike Arcade said:

    As of now, this is a rumor, and I sincerely hope that if this is true, he'd reconsider

    If he doesn’t, I will just assume they have pictures of him eating a puppy or sodomizing a Buddha statue, something godawful. The only type of person who can be literally kowtowed to these civilizational dead-enders, is that type of person, one of low moral quality. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Mike Arcade said:


    Now normally I would post this on the Sega topic, yet the context of this is the creator leaving for NetEase, a Chinese developer. Apparently they have been gathering a lot of talent from multiple Japanese Companies.

    @TheRedStranger This might be right up your ally. Because this is a major concern of mine.

    If he wants to leave to work with a company that by law has to have a CCP loyalty officer, then he has betrayed Japan and America. Don’t let the door hit you, and snag your slave whip, on the way to the Uyghur concentration/slave camp, mister Unit 731. Maybe they will force you to pick cotton too when they are done with you. Bring us all the way back to 1852. 

    I bet Twitter won’t bat an eye if Max Kite Junior here leaves to make his digital Fanta. Call out a narcissistic fat dude for wearing a dress half his size, people loose their minds. Join a commie dummy-corporation, puppeteered by the most oppressive government on the planet, one that literally steals organs from “dissidents,” and even systematically persecutes ethnic minorities, enslaves and disrespects any attempt of unionization of workers, then you have nothing to worry about back-lash wise. 

     As a person cares about basic human rights still, I disrespect any one who works for a Chinese company. You dishonor Japan (who has been stolen from and assaulted in several ways by the CCP), you dishonor Hong Kong, you dishonor religious freedom, you dishonor all the victims of Covid 19 (which Xi let spread), including my dead grandfather. Scum bag. Don’t you even see they hate you, and you are, as Lenin said, “a useful idiot?” They literally make a form of yellow-face about your people. 


    [And yes, if you watched the video - rape theme porn based on Nanking is sold in their version of the Holocaust museum. You really want to work with this country? :/ Is this normal to you pal?]


    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, MoKat said:

    I'm inclined to agree with you there, Red. The ability to create your own modules was what made Neverwinter Nights good - it certainly wasn't the base game's storyline, which railroaded the player so much it's rife for mockery.

    It think Video Games are an excellent art form that will be with us forever, much like non-interactive cinema was never truly outmoded by video games. However, I think the way video games are now, are about to radically change. There new things that breech the boundaries of that genre of media, such as alternative reality games, virtual reality sandboxes, and the software used in online tabletop. Soon, I think the ability to utilize gaming engines and other software as a dynamic resource will grow to where gaming will be much more emergent and less scripted. It's what people seemingly want with Massive-Online games, but instead they get grinding repeats of fixed mechanics and quest lines. Imagine it this way, having the power of the Fox Engine, or RE Engine at your finger tips as a Game Master, and having all your players play with you via VR? Imagine arcades coming back from the dead as indoor amusement parks where digital assets and blended in real sets? I think the way we view video-based games will not just expand as technology advances, but synthesize and evolve into whole new forms of media.

    Right now though, Indie games and large mod communities let us feel this same feeling these other future media forms could provide. Rom hacks are important for us in the Sonic community to enjoy a more emergent Sonic experience. And yes, mods for NeverWinter make the base game fresh. Same with Skyrim, and the fact Bethesda has embraced that (and VR) says a lot to the future of video-based gaming.

    I don't think we will be dealing with the scifi drama of the holodeck, but...this may be in our futures.


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    @Mike Arcade




    @Senior Bobbert


    Okay. So this RP went so well at my tabletop Thursdays with the guys, that I thought that you all maybe would like to do a novel style version here. If you don't like Resident Evil and another 1998 darling...and some subtle crossover stuff...then this may not be story for you. And that's okay, especially if you don't like spooky stories. I have a more Sonic centered story in the works too. But this was just too rich, and fun at the table, to pass by.  It is very much a blend of real world drama, and a dynamic and spooky survival horror mystery wading through the deep lore of a few choice cult-classic 90's-20's video games, with a blend of real world drama with a surrealist edge. 

    I will be using my new RPG rule-system and will be helping you all in PM's set up characters if you decide to play. Unlike many RPG's this is a game where I don't mind (but not demand) people play as a lightly fictionalized version themselves to make the situation feel more real and overwhelming. 

    Here is the gist of the game:

     Twenty two years after the tragic loss of Racoon City to an unknown bio-hazard, the city still looms in the Appalachian forests of east Kentucky, a haunting temptation for treasure hunters, urban explorers, conspiracy-theorists, corporate-spies, enterprising intellectuals, grieving victims seeking closure, and all sorts of opportunists. Despite bombing, and an alleged nuclear cleansing of the infected city, large rings of walls, wire, and checkpoints layer about the ruins and the nearby primeval forests and mountains. Yet as years pass by, apathy has crept into this infrastructure, those guarding its boring stillness grow jaded with the eerie calm and tight leashes of both the government and their contracted Umbrella's Bioharzard-Reclamation-Environmental-Easment-Division (B.R.E.E.D). Work conditions are strained due to Covid, inflation eats at their wages, and the arbitrary demands without explanation tire and tempt workers to let people slip by for a hefty stipend. The ideals of containing the large swath of resource-rich land have begun to bend from their foundational firmness. "Nothing to see here and never again" and softened with the decades to "let's build a memorial," and then "might as well salvage some losses." Now, a morbid new tourism creeps into the shattered economy of eastern Kentucky again, and state officials, under the pretext of reverence have pushed the now unspoiled forests into a quiet federal park. Now, in the Fall of 2021, all this humble pretense has finally found itself in the hands of someone much less subtle, and more opportune...and it have unforeseen consequences for you all.

     You play as a band of average joes, given an offer you can't quite refuse, an all expense paid opportunity to explore the surrounding wilds and ruins of Racoon City.  A social media upstart has signed all the waivers, and non-disclosures, and managed to snake through all the legality to get pass the quarantine zones.  Why are you here, your personal motivations, and what unfolds will all be up to you, and mystery itself for other players to unlock. Will you be able to trust each other? And...if and when...something bad happens, will you be able to survive the old residing evils of Revenant City? 



    @MoKatDon't know if you will like this one or not, but if you want join, its up to you. I have more RP auditions, I will be posting/updating very soon.


  8. On 8/28/2021 at 2:33 PM, Mike Arcade said:

    Got any Skyrim stories to tell?

    Eh, sadly nothing unique. That is the flaw of video games over tabletop, you can never truly get a unique experience. It's all a railroad in the end, even if it has a marshaling yard of dialogue options. Mass Effect proved that stunningly. I love many games, like Resident Evil for example, and Sonic Adventure, and Metal Gear, yet Mass Effect and Skyrim, though having rich lore, just can't really inspire me to blab for hours...its all cookie cutter, no matter how you slice it. So its a waste of time to tale a tale you can look up on a million live streams and you tube videos. Want a Skyrim story? Go watch @Nagol's hardwork. Least he puts time in reacting cleverly to it.

    The only real games you can make a story out of are ironically simulation games, not roleplay. Sims for example, due to its non-linearity and emergent goal making, allows one to make a truly unique and individual story per player. Minecraft can do this too. But even then it is limited by the complexity of the randomly-generative programing and content. That is why modding communities are so huge for games like this. They widen the possibility space for unique experiences. 

    But, for all that time, and mods, and progamming, and paying to get a 3K computer to play it all...you could have actually done all of that and more for less than 20$ over Discord, or at your house, with a couple of friends, some dice (or random number generator), and a few D&D or Fate Core PDF's. Even better, you have a unique experience you will share forever.

    Summation: This is why your life-wasting grind-slog JRPG's suck. XP

    • Like 1
  9. On 8/9/2021 at 5:44 PM, Mike Arcade said:

    'd like to play such as Shadowrun or After The Bomb WAY too crunchy in its numbers.

    Typically many perceive Shadowrun as such, despite them generally seeing a D6 system as more rules light. This has to do with the way each dice multiplies the nuance of your odds with each dice being a single point towards success or failure in a roll.  In comparison, rolling a 1d20 is a nice flat line of equal chances, while multiple D6's create a bellcurve.

    I have always been curious of why people have not tried to mix both up and make a multi-d20 system. d20 adds the nuance of 5$ increments, and many of them with certain functions can create a bell-curve that makes the odds more a matter of your choices.

    • Like 1
  10. On 8/4/2021 at 3:12 PM, MoKat said:

    Ok; I'll need help figuring out how to use the tools without breaking stuff. Got any documentation that I can read somewhere?

    I will check. But it’s pretty easy and I have defeated you specific help with @Sorzo. He can relay things to you and me. Together we can cover each other’s bases. 

     First, we will probably be focusing mainly on implementing the forum format. 

    @Wulfsbanewill be focusing on implementing a discord for more ephemeral  discussions with a bit that encourages more long term conversations into the forum, specially through displaying posts and topics here automatically.  

    • Thanks 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Mike Arcade said:

    I'd like to highlight how @TheRedStranger's Brother shot out the eye of a massive creature the size and length of a bus recently in our Tabletop Session Sunday.

    There's more highlights I'd like to point out, but I don't want to spoil some things. ;)

    Especially since we can be playing this game on the site. 

    • Like 1
  12. @MoKat

    I have decided to give you secondary admin status to help with technical issues on the Admin CP. @Sorzo usually works with me on potential changes to icons and such. This gives you access to a lot of tools, and you have my trust in using them. Just note that your primary objective is to work along side Sorzo in possible thematic expansion of the site. I know how to make logos and I can design pretty well. But I need a team to make things really progress. 

    I will be delegating and reorganizing some of the staff around with new roles they feel most comfortable with. I got the good to go a while back with Admin @Wulfsbaneto give you this promotion, Kat. Congrats. I am excited to see what you do with it and will be proposing some goals in a PM shortly.


    • Thanks 1
  13. On 7/19/2021 at 11:51 PM, Wulfsbane said:

    Seems like every update removes more and more customization options

    So @MoKatand Ben, I did some digging. There is a lot more to this new rank system. For one you can load custom svg's for each badge, and formulate conditions for earning "achievements." Basically I can add tons of more custom content with these badges, making them each unique.

    I have the skill to make designs and create intresting svg's. I just need to work with you guys for creating interesting badge ideas and map out some possible logos to correspond with them. 

  14. On 7/31/2021 at 10:26 PM, Mike Arcade said:

    Welcome back folks! SAGE will be upon us once more in 2021! The list of games and such look excellent! Some really cool and interesting ones, some of which have been in the works for years.

    It's gonna be a good one. :)

    Good luck getting to do this with Nintendon't. Huzzah for Sega being so supportive to their creative fans. Any potential favorites?

    • Thanks 1
  15. So you are thinking of making your own tabletop or board game? Have some experience under your belt and wish to help newbie designers? Here is the place for you.


    Here is a useful tool for anyone dreaming of making a tabletop game, but are concerned about the mathematical complexity of dice. As a general rule, remember that if you want to have more spice and variation to your rolls, just divide out values with even dice. For example:


    Little tricks like this add expression and color in the mechanics. Don't see mechanics as mere mechanizations to progress the role-play, but a part of the role-play. "Fluff" (the tone and story) and "crunch" are not truly separate in a well designed RP game. Picture the math the way you would picture paint for an artist, technical methods with applied theory that create unique language for specific expressions. If you want to make fire, use orange, red, and yellow paint.  See math like that, a creative tool, not a means for merely adding randomization to a role-play game, so it can be indeed a game. If its that way, its usually just something akin to gambling with theater attached to it. Make the numbers play into the story and vice versa. Let's take our above math and apply that logic and imagine designing a devastating weapon that can do up to 20 damage.

    1d20 - Equal chances for 1-20. Each end of the one dice has twenty sides (hence 1d20). 20 per cent (100) is obviously 20/100 = 5. Easy math. 5% chance to get any side, whether it be a one, a ten, or a twenty. This could be a good sniper rifle, because its all or nothing. You could get that 20 and translate that as a heart shot, or head shot in the story. Or you could get a one and barely even graze him, or startle your taget and make him to where he just falls on rough ground.  The chances of course skew upwards or lower if you add a plus or minus one. Of course you would have to add a downward limit on any negatives. Obviously shooting a gun and rolling a 1 - 3 would not magically give someone 2 health points. That makes no sense. Always add qualitative limits and logic as well as quantitative structure to your rolls.

    2d10, has the same upper maximum. But this time you cannot roll 1 anymore. You will always get a minimum of 1 and 1, which equals two. If you shoot it, it will do damage. Fun fact, this is why D&D has AC checks, as it assures each attack roll has chance to miss totally, and makes armor more relevant.  Now check the graph, notice how it makes a curve in the middle? That is a bell curve and its there simply because there is more way to get certain combinations that equal certain numbers. For example 6 and 5, 5 and 6, 7 and 4, ect all will equate to the result 11. This is why its more likely now to hit those certain numbers. But as a sacrifice, notice how lower the chances are now to get a 20 or the new 2 minimum. It's four percent lower, while the middle scores have doubled. What could this weapon be, especially with the first in  mind.

    So think creatively - what type of weapon could this be? It's not as exact as our above sniper rifle example. It's harder to get the maximum damage, but you always hedge your bets by having a higher chance to get a middling amount of damage, or at least get two (if you don't have extra negatives to skew the equation).


    4d5 - More extreme curve this time. You get at least four damage because each one can roll 1, 1, 1, 1. But even that is rare. You are most likely to 12 or 13 as the extra ones boost up that previous middle, and the four make new varied amounts of combinations that generally make 12 and 13 more likely than rolling one single dice to get one side of out twenty of them for those same numbers  (eg. 4, 4, 2, 2;  3,3,3,3; 4, 4, 3, 1; 3, 2, 3, 4....ecterra compared to a single 13 or 14 side). What weapon could this be? It seems to have even more spread and minimum damage. However, its very unlikely you will get low or high damage, a 0.10% chance compared to the previous 1.     

    10d2 - This gets more crazy. Now you basically have 10 coins with 1 and 2 on them. You cannot get under 10 damage, but its nearly impossible to get a 10 or a 20. To do so, you have all coins land on 1 or 2 together at the same time. But its very easy to get combinations that lead to 15. What weapon could this be?




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  16. On 7/30/2021 at 12:41 PM, MoKat said:

    I was afraid of that; Netflix tends to back/stream woke crap >.<

     Corporate Suit: "Oh! But you are a woman, you should like this version. My charts say so, so does tens of tens of blue-check marks on Twitter."


    This all has a soft-reboot, cowardly, backdoor revisionist vibe. Sorry they crapped on your childhood, Kat... :(

    And why do we have to make tough women, have "lesbian overtones?" Was this written by a pervy 15 year old? Can't we appeal to the 99% of the actual audience that probably don't care about forced sexual political stuff in their 80's remake cartoon?

    To be fair though, it's good to see Skeletor get something he wants. But if you squeeze woke crap into a good sandwich, its still a crap sandwich. That and the spices are flat. You have the golden opportunity to push the existing content for the maturing audience, but you give us a cheap Halloween haunted house for the land of the dead, and demphasize the main character the audience is decades invested in?  This sounds familiar...:/

    {Language warning}

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