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ByTor, Prince of Ro’den

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Everything posted by ByTor, Prince of Ro’den

  1. Okay, time for another. This one was quite a bit more popular, so some might actually remember it. The one I'm talking about today is the animated movie to the book Watership Down. I was really little when I first saw this British Animated feature, which was released in 1978, but I saw it a little later obviously. At the time I don't think my mom and dad understood what kind of a movie they were renting for me and my siblings to watch, but I can say without a doubt that this one had the little four or five year old me transfixed. Sadly my parents took objection to the content and stopped the movie a one point and I was unable to see the rest of it until I was on my own at college. Anyway, this was one of the first cartoons I'd ever seen to depict blood; sure we had Bambi before and such, but it was so tame in comparison and this one actually showed death, blood, and gore. It's interesting, looking back I don't remember it affecting me because it wasn't gratuitous and in a matter-of-fact manner, as well as helping tell the story. One of the side affects of the way this story was told was that I really became engrossed and emotionally invested in all the characters, which is something that has happened to me with the movies and shows that I really like. It was also one of the first times that I noticed a full-on mythology and culture for these "lower" animal creatures that when anthropomorphized really brought them to life. All of this led to such a deep and engaging story that I would say made a pretty big impact on me.
  2. Was about 5 or 6 when this one was first on television. Featuring the smooth, velvety voice of the late-great Luther Vandross.
  3. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-07-26-nx-is-a-portable-console-with-detachable-controllers
  4. Welcome on board! Glad to see you introduce yourself.
  5. What I mean by more original is to take what already is and put your own spin/take on it art wise. Think of it like someone doing a cover of a song; if he/she is sticking tightly to the source material, then you'll just end up with the same song sung by someone different. In other words, by sticking too rigidity to the source material your unique voice, talents, and flavour can and will be lost. Start with wot you like in the source material and build your own take on it. This doesn't mean using your own character or own world, just let your art flow, forget wot Sega, Archie, of whomever would do with the source material, this is about telling a story only you can tell, not one from the official cannon. Remember, Sega and the others have no say on what can be your art; you are free of their edicts and rules. Anyway, I hope that helps you.
  6. Thanks for your review; it's appreciated. Anyway, I used a lot of non-standard English to keep the informal nature of SatAM present. To answer your question, "Squoze" is an informal past-tense, past participle of squeeze; another way of saying it more formally would be squeezed I guess, but "squoze" is one that is used a lot around here in the western U.S. near the Canadian border. As for any others; there are undoubtedly some typos and errors that have gotten past my and others proof-reading. Anyway, it's a good question about the Mobians knowing about their origins is the fact that in my mindcannon Mobians still have most of their feral counterparts still around; you see things like birds, rats, and a myriad of other animals in SatAM as well as the comics and games. It would stand to reason that they would notice the similarities in not only their appearance, but their genetic structures as well. (Makes you wonder about the physicians among Mobians... they'd be more likened to a veterinarian than a human doctor.) I hope that clears it up. Thanks again.
  7. http://gameidealist.com/news/amazon-opens-preorders-art-atari-limited-deluxe-edition/ Awesome!!!
  8. Another craptastic snorefest. "Brought to you by the team who made: Sonic Unleashed and Sonic 06 amongst other abominations."
  9. Sega is releasing a Megadrive/Genesis classic console with 80 games preloaded, plus a cart slot: http://asidcast.com/in-honor-of-sonics-25th-anniversary-sega-is-releasing-a-classic-game-console-with-80-games/
  10. Looks like they're not recasting Pavel Chekhov after Anton Yelchin's death in subsequent movies in the new universe; they may in fact be killing the character off all together. http://www.torontosun.com/2016/07/14/jj-abrams-star-trek-wont-replace-anton-yelchin
  11. For me it's Sonic 2; really the first glimpse of Sonic that got my attention, mostly thanks to Tails. Followed by Spinball (had the FF in it), and Sonic 3&Knuckles, in that order. P.S.: Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine is also an honourable mention.
  12. Red Dead 3; that's all I want at this point.
  13. Since a Stargate SG1 thread was made I thought I should make one dedicated to one of my guilty pleasures: Lexx. Let the strangeness and oddities embrace this discussion.
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