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  • Wulfsbane pinned this topic
  • 3 months later...

Not sure if I should ask this question here or on the other forum, but would it be possible to add a chapter feature to the literature section? If there is just ignore me, but I plan on writing a very long story and I can't seem to find a way to add chapters.

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That's not a bad idea. Upon request I could possibly make large anthologies on the site to be under forum sub-areas organized in such a chapter-based fashion.

 In the meantime you could simply link each chapter from a Deviant Art account (which will give you traffic to that said account if you so desire). The other option is to simply create two threads - one for updates and discussion of your work and one I can lock for you to exclusively write on  so you can post new chapters in an uninterrupted, streamlined format post by post.


Thank you for your constructive ideas. :)

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1 minute ago, TheRedStranger said:

That's not a bad idea. Upon request I could possibly make large anthologies on the site to be under forum sub-areas organized in such a chapter-based fashion.

It'd certainly make reading them easier. The thread for Freedom Dies With Me is getting incredibly long now. It can look a bit...daunting to casual readers. And it just doesn't look tidy.

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1 minute ago, WarTraveller said:

It'd certainly make reading them easier. The thread for Freedom Dies With Me is getting incredibly long now. It can look a bit...daunting to casual readers. And it just doesn't look tidy.

I will probably sit down with you and find a way to organize what you have better. :) PM anytime.

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  • 3 years later...
11 hours ago, Wulfsbane said:

I feel like that should stay separate as that can be used in other instances

I would say so, as it is a software used to mechanics gameplay. Which is in the thematic realm of that topic. Character sheets seem to be a part of that conversation, but probably cannot stand as a whole for constantly flowing and lively topic. 

If things ever get busy in the future in that thread in a convoluted way - we can simply split it into two threads pertaining to hardware and software. Or we can do that now. It’s up to you.

@Mike Arcade, @Wulfsbane, @MoKat

I motion a merging, with a thematic split between hardware and software in mind of things grow too busy.

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  • 2 months later...

TheRedStranger has dragged me from my lair and forced me to start pulling my weight around here as a staff member. Given that I know a bit about web development, I'm currently trying to improve and expand on the functionality and aesthetics of the site. If you want to see what I have up at any given moment, change the site's theme (via the dropdown menu at the very bottom) to Site Update Testing.

If you have any suggestions as far as new or altered features, please post them here. I can't promise I'll be able to implement them, but I can at least look into things.

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