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On 6/5/2018 at 10:08 AM, Mike Arcade said:

I believe Heir of the Empire is the sequel novels after the Original Film Trilogy correct?

One takes place before it called Truce of Bakkurha. But you can go straight into the  Thrawn trilogy because it has little connection. It’s vastly superior to the SJW-shill that is Disney Star Snores.

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Sounds like Disney is trying to cull the herd back they beat away and insulted. From Boyega’s “We don’t care” comment, Ryan Johnson’s insulting fans, and all the identity-politicization of Star Wars by Kathleen Kennedy, I doubt they can really dig out of the hole they made. Afterall, we know this series just ends in a dejected son of Anakin, idealistic hero somehow turned attempted teen murder, milking manatees on a backwater while his angsty, Vader fan-boy, grandson magically undos all the development of Clone Wars and Original series lore in a thinly-veiled, Chinese-knock off Quality reboot. None of it matters anymore because where it’s all going does not matter anymore. 

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 Star Wars Rise of Sky-walker is not a good movie.  It sucks that they killed Luke, and that Kylo Ren killed Han Solo, and Princess Lea died in this movie. Emperor Palatine should have stayed dead, and not be ruined by this movie. Rey should never be flying Luke Skywalker's X-wing and be so magical. It was nice to see Lando, but that won't take away the fact that Han Solo is dead. And that sucks.

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On 10/8/2020 at 8:04 PM, TheRedStranger said:

This is the Star Wars thread, you geek. XP

Well. They made one...

I like this one a lot better than the stick-version. To bad you could not combine them so they could actually clash together. No purple? Guess it would be impossible to do a dark sabre.

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Well, the book of Bobba Fett did not just bomb, they had to seemingly throw in new episodes of the Mandolorian to salvage it. And, it looks likes, with the final spoiler of the season, the crappy sequels will perhaps remain canon. What is disgusting is that Disney seems to have deliberately mislead fans into thinking otherwise to keep a hold of their cash during the cruise and park lean Covid times. Pathetic to manipulate people like that.



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25 minutes ago, TheRedStranger said:

this is just corporate cringe trash. 

Yes but it’s really more of microcosm of the problems with Hollywood and comic book industry. It’s a shill to self righteous causes and nimbyist politics. All while breaking cultural icons or making unoriginal content because of how colossally bankrupt their creativity is. 

it is why foreign films, anime, and manga are dominating viewership and readership. Only because People are so starved of creativity and content they would rather adopt eastern cultural ideals over western ones. 

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16 minutes ago, Akessel92 said:

Yes but it’s really more of microcosm of the problems with Hollywood and comic book industry. It’s a shill to self righteous causes and nimbyist politics. All while breaking cultural icons or making unoriginal content because of how colossally bankrupt their creativity is. 

it is why foreign films, anime, and manga are dominating viewership and readership. Only because People are so starved of creativity and content they would rather adopt eastern cultural ideals over western ones. 

I'm inclined to agree; wokeness & creativity appear to be mutually exclusive.

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On 2/22/2022 at 1:59 PM, MoKat said:

I'm inclined to agree; wokeness & creativity appear to be mutually exclusive.

Because creativity is naturally always offending to someone’s political equilibrium. Dungeons and Dragons scared the white rural Pentecostal folks, but it meant them no harm. It just agitated their insular and subjective view of magic and mythology. This moral panic is also going to be out of subjective ignorance, but it will be exponentially worse due to the multiplicative power of the infinite combinations of potential offended persons. It was easier to convince 80’s mom Iron Maiden and D&D was not satanic. Gygax and Niko for example were Christians. But with the woke-scolds, their unity is a lack of central-indentity. That leads them to be much harder to impress an idea on, but also makes them basically an infertile movement, they just don’t share the memetic base-pairs, so to speak, to perpetuate their movement. The LGBTQIAPT+ movement for example is less a melting pot and more a salad bowl of competing sexual philosophies. Some believe you are born gay, some believe you cannot be born a man or woman, and that it’s “forced” on you. Nature is utterly fixed to some, and utterly fluid to the other side. The T and the LG are at fundamental odds. And don’t me started on the ethnic dimensions of this. Historically Irish and Italians were basically in the same socioeconomic situation and kinda hated each other.  That was just a generation ago. To expect people to make a intersectionality creative and productive and a culture, let alone survivable, is silly. Due to the committee style and self-censoring nature and all the pitfalls of potential disunity and rejection, there is no appealing to this hydra of competing and overlapping interests. You will always anger someone, and always conflict what they subjectively feel and believe. Since that is immediately associated with oppression in the woke worldview, it’s doomed to kill its own sacrifice it’s own creative darlings, Bale style.

A good example of this it’s they story Ed Catmul shares in his book on Pixar Creativity Inc. he had to ban Steve Jobs from the brainstorming sessions. Can you guess why? @WarTraveller@Wulfsbane

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1 hour ago, TheRedStranger said:

The LGBTQIAPT+ movement for example is less a melting pot and more a salad bowl of competing sexual philosophies.

I like that comparison!


1 hour ago, TheRedStranger said:

The T and the LG are at fundamental odds.


1 hour ago, TheRedStranger said:

And don’t me started on the ethnic dimensions of this.

I wouldn't want to touch that with 10-foot salad tongs anyway 😄

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18 hours ago, MoKat said:

I like that comparison!



I wouldn't want to touch that with 10-foot salad tongs anyway 😄

Me neither really, especially since inter-sectionalists largely use conversations about their social station to gain social capital at the expense of the persons even discussing its realities. Offense and slight-seeking becomes a virtue to confess their sense of social oppression, and that signaling drowns out healthy dialogue.  Semantic rescuing  devices like “X privilege” or “race traitor” are used to resimplify and merely reassert  their narrative against various people, at the expense of using a logical fallacy, an argumentum ad homenum, and actually pushing people away from understanding any social dimension to various ethical and historical issues. There is a bending of words, gossip, and accusational use of moral innuendo against people who question their own self-enriching narratives. And because of this, those corporations who seek to utilize  these people in the work place, as investors, and as consumers all alike, will be doomed to deal with their spiel and entertaining a parasitism of vital resources in the production of their product, to an audience merely only sharing one commonality, the need to feel and manifest their inadequacies and grievances.

Much like Mao, and his “cultural  revolution,” where thousands of years of human history were erased, this has lead to outright cultural destruction in cinema, literature, and even music. The “values” that fill the crap-painted blobs in the MoMMA have now leaked into to cinema.  Why make a Star Wars movie to this mob, when Star Wars itself is a social mechanism from which they manufacture their “hot takes” to further social capital? They at least need to eat it, digest it slow, but since their so much piranhas in the Twitter waters looking for a bite, it becomes an escalatory frenzy.  Star Wars will never be black enough, or gay enough, or black gay furry trans-disabled pro-pedastry enough, and when it is it certainly won’t appeal to global theaters like China that don’t share certain pieces of those values  (hence why Disney edited out two gay people kissing from the last movie). It can’t be enough, and story and characters, and plain entertainment value will be pushed aside for “the message,” a message that will always offend another head on the contradictory hydra of intersectionality and global markets. 

The worst part of it indeed is the appeal and acceptance to cultural relativism in general, you cannot really say anything meaningful with it. I mean by the standards (or lack thereof) of cultural relativism, the rebels are just as bad guys. From a Canadian, Russian or Chinese perspective, who are they to oppose their cultural values on the imperial government and neutral planets? To the imperials, perhaps their monolithic  strict order brings stability in a complex galaxy, much in their respective countries? The destruction of the Death Star was a mass slaughter of galactic patriots, and their fascistic ideas have brought “peace and order to the galaxy.” The meta-fictional culturally relative hot-takes that bury the story, ironically will make any new revisions of story cold and bland.  At the end, a story always takes a side, and makes a statement. I think that is one reason sue-mongering  was approached in characters like Rey. It’s just safest to make avatars of obsequiousness power-projection for these types of “fans,” story and years of cinematic and literary theory be damned. Without meaning you just have a arms race of CGI spectacle, the denunciation of meaning as meaninglessness (“reversal of expectations”), and the will-to-power of certain characters and their broader identities. So basically it turns your work in a form of forced and flashy nihilism. That basically describes the Last Jedi perfectly. 

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I am just expecting people to start hedging their bets to please everyone and no one at the same time and using that time travel spiel in Rebels, undo some stuff and maybe multiverse away any problems here and there. So basically making all the mistakes the comic industry made post silver age. 

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On 3/24/2022 at 2:38 PM, TheRedStranger said:


A good example of this it’s they story Ed Catmul shares in his book on Pixar Creativity Inc. he had to ban Steve Jobs from the brainstorming sessions. Can you guess why? @WarTraveller@Wulfsbane

Because Steve tried to please everyone? I was gonna say he didnt want to take risks but he did that quite often with Apple.

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On 3/28/2022 at 11:55 PM, Wulfsbane said:

Because Steve tried to please everyone? I was gonna say he didnt want to take risks but he did that quite often with Apple.

Because Steve did the opposite. He was quick and brutal to criticize, and though that works well in middle of engineering a Mac, it does not in creativity. Those parts of the brain literally turn off when you are in “fight or flight mode.” Brainstorming  happens best in a very loose environment where people are at rest. They literally threw out a thousands-of-dollars table, and then another, just to get the non-hierarchical dynamic right. They even invited the janitor to the meetings. Why? Because they needed people to feel like their job wasn’t on the line, that they could be free to speak freely.

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1 hour ago, Mike Arcade said:

though sadly as we can see from Disney’s sorry state, it doesn’t have a happy ending for Pixar. A majority of their staff left.

And I don't blame them. John Lasseter was part of the problem, but he wasn't the only problem with Pixar's management.

from 2017: 

John Lasseter Taking Leave of Absence From Pixar Amid “Missteps” [Hollywood Reporter]



Disney Animation head John Lasseter is taking a leave of absence from Pixar after acknowledging “painful” conversations and unspecified “missteps,” he wrote Tuesday in a memo to staff, obtained by The Hollywood Reporter

Lasseter’s statement arrived as THR was preparing a story detailing alleged misconduct by the executive at Disney/Pixar. 

Lasseter is best known as one of the founders of Pixar, which began as part of the graphics group at Lucasfilm. Along with Ed Catmull, he popularized CGI in animation with early films like Toy Story, A Bug’s Life and Monsters Inc. 

from 2018: Pixar Co-Founder to Leave Disney After ‘Missteps’ [NY Times]


Disney said on Friday that Mr. Lasseter — the creative force behind the billion-dollar “Toy Story,” “Cars” and “Frozen” franchises — would take on a consulting role at the company until the end of the year and then leave permanently. He will not have an office in the interim.

Mr. Lasseter, 61, served as chief creative officer of Pixar Animation Studios, which he helped found, and the separate Walt Disney Animation studio. Disney did not name replacements. Jennifer Lee, a director of “Frozen,” is expected to be promoted at Walt Disney Animation, and Pete Docter, the director of films like “Up” and “Inside Out,” is expected to take on greater responsibilities at Pixar, according to a person briefed on the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because plans had not been finalized.

A self-described Peter Pan, Mr. Lasseter has long been known for his jolly public persona and tendency to greet anyone in his proximity — subordinates, stars, fans, reporters — with lengthy bear hugs. In 2011, The Wall Street Journal published a photo slide show of his frequent squeezes, saying he had handed out at least 48 of them in one day at the office.

Seems like after that, Pixar fully jumped onto the Woke Wagon :P

Pixar staff accuse Disney of repeatedly censoring queer content [Daily Dot]


This new letter from Pixar staff accuses Disney executives of habitually removing queer content from Pixar projects. “Nearly every moment of overtly gay affection is cut at Disney’s behest, regardless of when there is protest from both the creative teams and executive leadership at Pixar.”


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On 3/31/2022 at 8:03 PM, TheRedStranger said:

Because Steve did the opposite. He was quick and brutal to criticize, and though that works well in middle of engineering a Mac, it does not in creativity. Those parts of the brain literally turn off when you are in “fight or flight mode.” Brainstorming  happens best in a very loose environment where people are at rest. They literally threw out a thousands-of-dollars table, and then another, just to get the non-hierarchical dynamic right. They even invited the janitor to the meetings. Why? Because they needed people to feel like their job wasn’t on the line, that they could be free to speak freely.

Considering how eccentric Jobs was, this doesnt surprise me. Though there was quite a bit of creativity in his era Apple products, but was that because they were more or less pushing the boundaries of technology?

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15 hours ago, Wulfsbane said:

Considering how eccentric Jobs was, this doesnt surprise me. Though there was quite a bit of creativity in his era Apple products, but was that because they were more or less pushing the boundaries of technology?

Because it was subtractive creativity. When everyone was adding tons of crap and gimmicks to their PC’s, Apple was all about Zen. Make it a pure and simple workflow. To this day Apple products are always the first to get rid of needless dongles and bloat-ware, and the last to embrace more questionable gimmicky innovations like bendable phones and beveless screens. 



As for Starwars, a lack of innovation has been additive. They keep adding random crap and dissonance. It does not organically fit with in the gestalt of Star Wars because all these ideas are fitting a corporate qouta and agenda rather than the narrative itself. 

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2 hours ago, Akessel92 said:

i can't back out because its family time.

Understood; and you have my sympathy.

Since you have to watch it, would you mind writing a review (or critique) of it for us?

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1 hour ago, MoKat said:

Since you have to watch it, would you mind writing a review (or critique) of it for us?

its not worth reviewing. 


its less about obi-wan and more the misadventures of Leia Organa and the Book of Reva the inquisitor. and a whole load of bad writing that breaks canon beyond repair.

and Star Wars is dead to me until KK and Disney no longer own it nor vandalize it for their own political agendas

Edited by Akessel92
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20 hours ago, Akessel92 said:

its not worth reviewing

Wow, that bad, huh?

Is it at least worth mocking? (At times like this, I miss Mystery Science Theater 3000...)

{Edit: Knights Watch seem to agree about how bad it is - Disney Star Wars is making the world worse (~44 min.)


Once again Disney is attacking fans and deflecting criticisms by vilifying those who criticize Obi-wan Kenobi, and as a result is actively making people believe the world is a terrible place filled with awful people, all to try and hide how bad their show is.

They tend to ramble on a lot, so here's something more concise from Forbes:

Somehow ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ Makes A Showdown With Darth Vader Boring


What can I say about the Wacky Adventures Of Old Ben Kenobi And Princess Leia?

I’m just not feeling it, guys. I had a little hope that the first two episodes were just a rocky start, but this latest one has me feeling pretty gloomy about the whole affair. We’re halfway through a six-episode limited-run series and it’s just deeply mediocre in just about every way. Nothing important has happened. Beyond just the basic problem with prequels (we already know when and how Obi-Wan, Darth Vader and Leia die!) it’s just not a very good TV show on a basic, fundamental level. It is not very entertaining!

And here's the bottom line from Rotten Tomatoes:


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This is all over the Internet...

"Mandalorian" actress Gina Carano sues Disney over firing [CBS News]


Actress Gina Carano on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Lucasfilm and its parent The Walt Disney Co. over her 2021 firing from the series "The Mandalorian."

In the suit filed in federal court in California, Carano alleged she was wrongfully terminated over controversial posts made on X, then known as Twitter. In one post, the actress compared the divided American political climate to Nazi Germany. She was also accused of mocking transgender people and mocking mask-wearing during the COVID pandemic.

"The truth is I was being hunted down from everything I posted to every post I liked because I was not in line with the acceptable narrative of the time," Carano said in a Tuesday post on X. "My words were consistently twisted to demonize & dehumanize me as an alt right wing extremist. It was a bullying smear campaign aimed at silencing, destroying & making an example out of me."

Her suit made several references to the "Star Wars" world. 

"A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire, and that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated," the suit alleges. "And so it was with Carano."

According to the suit, Carano's posts were made while she was off-duty and away from the workplace. She alleges she was fired because she "dared voice her own opinions, on social media platforms and elsewhere, and stood up to the online bully mob who demanded her compliance with their extreme progressive ideology"

In August of last year, Elon Musk offered to fund the legal bill of people unfairly treated by their employers "due to posting or liking something" on X. Carano replied, saying she thought she qualified. 

The social media company confirmed it is aiding Carano in her suit.


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