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Everything posted by TheRedStranger

  1. War games for big boys. Love Warhammer. You go with tape measure movement instead of grid? I have been wanting to adapt my D&D games to tape.
  2. My puppy Jack might as well. XP —- I really do wish we could get our crap together and do a good infrastructure bill. But the monopolization of rail and years of tricky subsidies really messed things up compared to more private automobiles. I really am excited to see any growth or revival of rail transit through. Seeing the traditional dining plan just come back after this Covid garbage is cause for celebration.
  3. Congrats! I am proud to see you making a bold move towards embracing your creativity. Now is the time to do it too, many people are leaving their old jobs that frankly were not thankful to have people around during Covid. You make a good example to people who need to focus on their actual career over their day jobs. When I have the audio section of my studio finished, perhaps we can do an interview and share it on your Discord. @Akessel92 @Mike Arcade@WarTravellerand @Wulfsbanewould probably more than happy to join. This project fits in that nice happy place between things that go boom and bang, and Sonic; I am sure they will love it. XP If you are not comfortable with audio interviews, I can do a written based one for people to read as an article. I am not sure how we can do this game post based here on the forum, but if people want to try, we have a section for it.
  4. It’s good that you are experimenting with different medium, and trying to communicate texture and lighting in a very direct way. You do probably want to take a step back and use metallic paints instead though. The glitter paints would be create as a thin special effects layer for a painting of Nagus’s sanctuary.
  5. @SallyAcornLover You said earlier you like the USA, you should really consider someday riding a train across the country. It's a real safe way to travel and you get to see all over America: @Akessel92is from the Dakotas and is now a Kentuckian. He actually has German heritage, many people in Kentucky do.
  6. Planes, trains, automobiles, boats and blimps; everything in and under and above, that takes us to point A to B, this is the place to talk the past, present, and future of traveling and transportation.
  7. Tencent is one the world largest “video game” production companies. The NPPA just cut a vital economic production and mental health aid to escape their tyrannical polluted dystopia hell. The blanket ban just falls into our hands economically. CCP just destroyed their own soft-power coupe attempt of the industry. This type of econocidal policy making will push away talent and potential profit to the west, and only create more and more resentment.
  8. Of course you would paint a cat. XD You are becoming very mindful of layering and how it informs forms. Which is a good thing. Many try to paint everything wet on wet all at once and that is no good for many dynamic figures. It’s best to wait and glaze with acrylic especially, unless you are trying to bloc out a Bob-Ross background/landscape or in a more detail end of a painting, like the blush and shading on a smooth face. . Currently the WIP for Metal and Sonic looks like Sonic blitzed out of his pelt and is now speed-streaking butt naked with his eyes closed. XD
  9. Anything with the Joker is typically pretty good. It will be a must watch for my guys. @Mike Arcade I would actually like for us to do a movie-night monthly actually. This is one I would like...just do me a favor a veto everything Logan even mentions. He has wretched taste. XD
  10. The-secret-identity-even-to-their-self trope, huh? Honestly that is rarely ever done since it launched with Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde as an idea. Mostly used as a horror trope, for werewolf's and such, not as heroes. It can create a bizarre situation where someone knows you are "Clark Kent" when you yourself forget you are Superman.
  11. The race goes he passes the finish line first, not who runs faster at the start. XP
  12. Be nice to see someone tweak the imagery for digital and translate all this for "quality of life" purposes. I wonder if there are any fan continuations floating around as well. Archiving is a great step, but if you want to keep the dust off, it would be great to see it be more accessible to fans.
  13. So it's been a while since this came out. And it seems to have aged the best as a Sonic game. Do you feel it will influence the future of Sonic games? And if so, how and why?
  14. One time actually they accidentally made a security exploit. I am glad I waited for the patch. 😁
  15. I typically don’t jump into it until I see how stable it is. Had the site freak out a couple of times with half-cocked updates.
  16. They actually have a law banning any media supporting "feudal superstitions." Magical themes, and old mythical themes are basically banned. These guys rewrote all the historical import out of their language Skull-face style. So yeah, the CCP sure do love New-speak, and have a militant oikophobic hate of China's past. This really limits them creatively. Imagine trying to make a D&D story without mentioning magic or Aurthurian, Nordic, Saxon, or Tolkenian themes. That's why a lot of Chinese games really double down on these.
  17. If he doesn’t, I will just assume they have pictures of him eating a puppy or sodomizing a Buddha statue, something godawful. The only type of person who can be literally kowtowed to these civilizational dead-enders, is that type of person, one of low moral quality.
  18. If he wants to leave to work with a company that by law has to have a CCP loyalty officer, then he has betrayed Japan and America. Don’t let the door hit you, and snag your slave whip, on the way to the Uyghur concentration/slave camp, mister Unit 731. Maybe they will force you to pick cotton too when they are done with you. Bring us all the way back to 1852. I bet Twitter won’t bat an eye if Max Kite Junior here leaves to make his digital Fanta. Call out a narcissistic fat dude for wearing a dress half his size, people loose their minds. Join a commie dummy-corporation, puppeteered by the most oppressive government on the planet, one that literally steals organs from “dissidents,” and even systematically persecutes ethnic minorities, enslaves and disrespects any attempt of unionization of workers, then you have nothing to worry about back-lash wise. As a person cares about basic human rights still, I disrespect any one who works for a Chinese company. You dishonor Japan (who has been stolen from and assaulted in several ways by the CCP), you dishonor Hong Kong, you dishonor religious freedom, you dishonor all the victims of Covid 19 (which Xi let spread), including my dead grandfather. Scum bag. Don’t you even see they hate you, and you are, as Lenin said, “a useful idiot?” They literally make a form of yellow-face about your people. [And yes, if you watched the video - rape theme porn based on Nanking is sold in their version of the Holocaust museum. You really want to work with this country? Is this normal to you pal?]
  19. It think Video Games are an excellent art form that will be with us forever, much like non-interactive cinema was never truly outmoded by video games. However, I think the way video games are now, are about to radically change. There new things that breech the boundaries of that genre of media, such as alternative reality games, virtual reality sandboxes, and the software used in online tabletop. Soon, I think the ability to utilize gaming engines and other software as a dynamic resource will grow to where gaming will be much more emergent and less scripted. It's what people seemingly want with Massive-Online games, but instead they get grinding repeats of fixed mechanics and quest lines. Imagine it this way, having the power of the Fox Engine, or RE Engine at your finger tips as a Game Master, and having all your players play with you via VR? Imagine arcades coming back from the dead as indoor amusement parks where digital assets and blended in real sets? I think the way we view video-based games will not just expand as technology advances, but synthesize and evolve into whole new forms of media. Right now though, Indie games and large mod communities let us feel this same feeling these other future media forms could provide. Rom hacks are important for us in the Sonic community to enjoy a more emergent Sonic experience. And yes, mods for NeverWinter make the base game fresh. Same with Skyrim, and the fact Bethesda has embraced that (and VR) says a lot to the future of video-based gaming. I don't think we will be dealing with the scifi drama of the holodeck, but...this may be in our futures.
  20. Eh, sadly nothing unique. That is the flaw of video games over tabletop, you can never truly get a unique experience. It's all a railroad in the end, even if it has a marshaling yard of dialogue options. Mass Effect proved that stunningly. I love many games, like Resident Evil for example, and Sonic Adventure, and Metal Gear, yet Mass Effect and Skyrim, though having rich lore, just can't really inspire me to blab for hours...its all cookie cutter, no matter how you slice it. So its a waste of time to tale a tale you can look up on a million live streams and you tube videos. Want a Skyrim story? Go watch @Nagol's hardwork. Least he puts time in reacting cleverly to it. The only real games you can make a story out of are ironically simulation games, not roleplay. Sims for example, due to its non-linearity and emergent goal making, allows one to make a truly unique and individual story per player. Minecraft can do this too. But even then it is limited by the complexity of the randomly-generative programing and content. That is why modding communities are so huge for games like this. They widen the possibility space for unique experiences. But, for all that time, and mods, and progamming, and paying to get a 3K computer to play it all...you could have actually done all of that and more for less than 20$ over Discord, or at your house, with a couple of friends, some dice (or random number generator), and a few D&D or Fate Core PDF's. Even better, you have a unique experience you will share forever. Summation: This is why your life-wasting grind-slog JRPG's suck. XP
  21. As a psychology guy? Yeah. I get the joke. 🤣 Its so easy to apply these cognitive tricks in D&D…I w get moments like this. This scene sums up my gaming group…
  22. There seems to be an overlay in the textures. I can see the human mouth and black lips at the same time. The eyes draw up into the skill and make the wolf face look like a mask. The bluish color is interesting. Is that intentional?
  23. I will check. But it’s pretty easy and I have defeated you specific help with @Sorzo. He can relay things to you and me. Together we can cover each other’s bases. First, we will probably be focusing mainly on implementing the forum format. @Wulfsbanewill be focusing on implementing a discord for more ephemeral discussions with a bit that encourages more long term conversations into the forum, specially through displaying posts and topics here automatically.
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