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Everything posted by MoKat

  1. Demon's Souls Remake Breakdown | Gameplay, Release Date, Criticisms, & More... Brought to us by VaatiVidya. Looks like it will be a PS5 exclusive.
  2. cow one? Now I'm curious... Does this have anything to do with a game called Burgerwise the Clown?
  3. Wait...u can actually use Crystal Magic Weapon on the Moonlight Greatsword?? Dark Souls II: SOTFS - Unique Weapons With Special Abilities
  4. I may have been wrong about the books coming out before teh Archie StH series; this book seems to be based on stuff from the very early (as in pre-Penders) Archie Sonic issues. Given that the Troll books have been out of print for over 20 years, there shouldn't be any problems dumping my scans here - and if there are, we can just unattach the attachment ... Wait, does this forum even allow .ZIP files? ... I'll check after I re-size & zip the scans. TStH-FSoM.zip
  5. You bet your power rings I do ^.^ Hubby & I both enjoy a good issue of Zorro; the minis that American Mythology Produtions publishes have more supernatural elements than earlier runs, but are still worth reading. They also reprint the original tales through thier "Timeless Tales" series. I still have issues of Prince Valiant (reprints of the Sunday comic strips) somewhere around here.
  6. And -that- was the real problem all along >.< Agreed. In SatAM, sometimes the bad guy (Robotnik) won; that was part of the series' appeal. Back in the 90's, that was rare; the good guys always won in other shows.
  7. I quite getting/reading those comics a long time ago, so that should tell you how unimpressed I am. Well, that and no Freedom Fighters = no interest on my part 😛 True, which is a shame because I know he can do better, because he -has- done better back when he was writing fan fiction. Editorial mandate was part of the problem with his Archie Sonic work, but his writing hasn't improved at IDW - if anything, it had gotten worse.
  8. Okay, the new DB is up, but given the nature of the sponsors I'm not sure if I should link it here. ... I don't remember Wally being able to steal someone else's speed; is that legit or bs?
  9. I like the new logo ^.^

    1. TheRedStranger


      I thought it would be good to make a single-loop mobius than the classic double. It creates a flow of two Sonic symbols into one, the power-ring and the mobius, which in itself resonates with the concept of a mobius, a disparate dimensions looping on themselves to make a singular whole. The three colors represent our three agendas, three aspects, and the three metacanons. They all refer back to the three powers of from Sonic, flight, speed, and power. The three agendas are: Fandom Socialization, Art Creation, and Sonic Appreciation. Three meta-canons are Sega of Japan, Sega of Europe, and Sega of America. The three aspects are performance, visual-design, and writing. Given the changes in Sonic lately, I would also argue it could represent the three ages as well, Classic era, Modern Era, and Post-Modern.

  10. And that's why I don;t trust 'em to get it right But it should be interesting to see anyway. Same here.
  11. I've always liked Nvidia hardware ^.^ this comment sums it up nicely:
  12. Not sure I trust them to get it right though. I still disagree with their Sonic Vs. Mario DB. Still, it should be interesting to see what they do this time. Their animation has gotten better over the years. {Edit: this was pretty good though Creator of Danny Phantom REACTS to DEATH BATTLE | Butch Hartman}
  13. Dunno if you are familiar with the Death Battle! series, but they just dropped an interesting teaser this week for thier next DB: Archie Sonic is TOO FAST for DEATH BATTLE?
  14. such as 35-player Super Mario Bros.? My issue is that I don't have a Switch 😛
  15. Yeah; that was one of the most requested series when my mother was a librarian. {Edit: I need to re-read Innumeracy by John Allen Paulos because I cannot recall if that's where I got the "figures do not lie, but liars can figure" bit from. However, he -does- say (on page 44),"There's always enough random success to justify almost anything to someone who wants to believe"}
  16. I don't remember that one, so I probably haven't. *looks for it on YT* *finds a clip from it*
  17. Given that it features HB characters, I'd say it does.
  18. {Edit: I found this site which shows a lot of bootleg merch} This packaging from a bootleg Sonic figure make me chuckle:
  19. Sonic Fan Games | The Good, The Great, and the Ugly
  20. This video contains info. about the Sonic 3 Beta: A Look at Infamous Video Game Hoaxes - Nintendo ON, Sonic, Mario, & More! 8:20 Fake Sonic 3 Beta 10:50 Real Sonic 3 Prototype
  21. Dark Souls II: SOTFS - How Many Bosses Can You CHEESE? FYI, SOTFS is the standard abbreviation of "Scholar of the First Sin" which is the remake version of Dark Souls 2. ... And, yes, I have done some of those things
  22. That backpack was rather awful >.< With a little work, Pepto Sonic could be made into a nice Amy
  23. Ya mean stuff like this? [Source: 5 Sonic Toys All Fans Need To Own (And 5 That Are Really Bad)]
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