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Mike Arcade

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Everything posted by Mike Arcade

  1. The Teaser? Oh yeah no that's still canon, hence why it's still up there.
  2. JC I am glad to meet ya, I'm Mike Arcade and I humbly welcome you to Free Scribes! I can tell we're going to get along great, as for reading Archie Sonic I'd say read at your own risk...it's insane in the not great way, believe me I got stories to tell. And this is coming from someone who's pretty much read all of them, ALL of them. @_@
  3. UPDATE & ANNOUNCEMENT Sonic Mobius, also known as Project: SM has gone through a little bit of an update, as in it's not called Sonic Mobius anymore. After much consideration and suggestion from fellow FSoM Staff the series has a new title, from now on it will be known as Sonic: Age of Mobius! Regarding this news, the series will soon get a story update with The Prologue, the Age of Mobius is about to begin everybody so stay tuned.
  4. Really great post X93, you know how you want things done when it comes to a possible SatAM. Really like your idea of a 4-parter beginning, sounds like it's really thought out and paced well, though I do think having Metal and Silver Sonic showing up at the very beginning is a bit much, well Silver Sonic maybe as he's usually a precursor to Metal Sonic but I dunno. Having Mecha Sonic or Metal Sonic/Metallix around feels like an event to me, like things just got real and you have one of the biggest threats yet and a possible recurring villain depending how you play him off as. You could always freshen out a Badnik and have that and Silver Sonic for starts, that's just me though. When it comes to other canon stuff like Metal Sonic and the Krudzu I would play it carefully as you could end up introducing too many things from the other canons at once, I'd say play it off one note at a time and see where it goes, not to mention you gotta subvert the expectations of others, even if it makes the readers mad. I share your favor with SatAM and SoA Canon, after all it's the only one with a consistent story and universe, following in those footsteps without it going out of control and convoluted like Archie Sonic I'd say is a must, it's the best backdrop and basis for any Sonic Canon along with STC. I agree with how you would want the battles to go, even in SatAM and in many canons it seems very one sided as one or two characters seem to always be the key in winning a skirmish, I understand having your main character and focus character of the episode be important but still, they shouldn't be the be all end all. And lastly the whole years later sort of thing, I do agree with you on having it be an ending for a Sonic Series, it would make sense. The Time Skip is a tricky subject with a story, I usually see them in a sequel series or after a huge story arc happens, the worst of it though has to be as a possible future or during the series as it's going on, aka as how it happened in Archie Sonic. If we know what happens in the end while we are reading the story, what's the point in reading anything in the normal run of the series when you have a future story that basically tells you the ending of the series? Time Skips have to be handled very carefully, otherwise you can get a huge mess in the end. Can't wait to see what other responses and stories you post up X93!
  5. Hey there Dryus it's me Mike, not just Mike Arcade but the one you know at said job. XP I'm glad to see you're post finally here, please enjoy all the refreshments this site has to offer, as in A LOT of posts! Good to see you hear man, and welcome to the next level. Ha ha Sega Genesis Add Reference lol I'm so clever
  6. Hmm, yeah I didn't think the whole video game thing through, geez what was I thinking. o_o Yeah it is for the best to have Playstation be separate from Nintendo, otherwise Nintendo would be the dominant force of gaming, honestly I think them being humbled overall worked out well, DMCA complaints toward fan games aside. Sega could have been improved though, actually you had a better idea on what to do with that then I did, good thing I don't have a time machine. In my defense with Doctor Who though, I'd try to find a way to buy those during that time before they get taped over, that and historically wouldn't it be good to have all of Classic Who archived? Okay how about this, if I could choose one thing from Sonic and Sega to change it would be...hmm...man that's a tough one.
  7. Well for one I'd get every original recording of all Classic Doctor Who that's been lost in time and sell them to BBC in our present for a mint. I'd also make sure to influence ABC and keep SatAM going for a 3rd Season and keep going until it reaches a health end or cliffhanger, getting it good air dates would help, perhaps get Hurst a SatAM Movie. Influence Archie Sonic to either get Penders away or completely control him, which in turn would change the entire course for the comic, probably for the better actually. Keep Sonic The Comic alive and not let Egmont Fleetway screw them over. Pretty much keep those mediums alive and if they need to have a healthy send off. Influence Nintendo to keep their word on their deal with Sony, which could make a Nintendo-Sony Playstation possible, who knows how that would change the landscape of gaming. I'd have the marketing of Sega Saturn handled MUCH differently in the US and Localize the right games, give Sonic Xtreme a chance while I'm at it. Change the landscape of gaming with a more advanced Dreamcast, perhaps have that collab with Microsoft too. In fact I'd also help Pioneer PC Digital Services, around the same time Steam is happening have Nintendo-Sony and Sega-Microsoft have their own PC Digital Services much like Steam and GOG, I would tear open much bigger and better potentials for Gaming as a whole and have it grow far more then what we already have. Have people able to give donations to Mod Makers and ROM hackers as well. So yeah make money by selling lost pieces of history and forever change the landscape of Gaming, I'd also make Shmups highly respected rather then Call of Duty. XP
  8. "Yeah, I was born in Upper Qadesh, Kiamasturia, just going back home; figuratively speaking," she raises her cloth tied hands and drops them back down "Might as well head back to the monastery, I didn't find what I was looking for, only that mechanism and more questions." She motions to the strange machine in the sack of her belongings "As for Life and Death I'm talking about myself, simply put there was a...miscalculation I made with my Alchemy and so now I'm paying the price for it. [Wisdom check, 17(+0)] A faint splash and flicker of light shook Layla from her pensiveness. At first she thought the point of lights dancing across her periphery was a trick of her injured eyes, but then she she saw the flickering light brighten and remain. Top side fire-lights of what must have been torches or lamps hovered like giant fireflies across the top deck. A sour feeling began to tighten in her stomach... Layla groaned in pain, her stomach only felt worse with the lights flashing in her eyes. Faintly she could hear the shouting of someone in the distance. "Jarvis...the ship. Something seems...wrong..."
  9. [Con 16 (+1)] Despite getting hit on the head with her belonging Layla can see with both eyes and remain conscious, however he left eye ended up bruised because of the impact. Layla: Layla mutters incoherently and looks at the cerulean eyed "gentlemen" "Errm, you didn't have to throw it, but thanks..." as she speaks she can feel completely dry, trying to bring the words together "Could you get me some water?"
  10. Layla: "Layla, the name's Layla, listen can you please give me my stuff back, you have no idea how important those belongings are, it's a matter of life and death here."
  11. Sonic has gone through a lot of incarnations throughout the years and yet while made in Japan, never really took off well no matter what Sega did, however that's not to say they didn't try, as there is one incarnation rarely mentioned but not well archived, that being obviously (aside from the Sonic Novels) the Sonic Mangas. Now when it comes to Sonic and that popular format of comics known as Mangas, there are 3 known main incarnations, one being the promo Manga for the first Sonic game, one being made post Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, then of course there are the stories of Nicky Parlouzer and Sonic. http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Story_Comic http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(manga) http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Dash_%26_Spin;_Super_Fast_Sonic!! *Warning: Sonic the Hedgehog Story Comic contains Strong Language* In these links here, particularly with the first link, the comic is translated into English, and oddly enough contains some strong language as the end result of the translation. The Story Comic is an adaption of Sonic 1 and is meant to promote the first game, similar to the effect of the American Sonic Promo Comic. It's quite odd and surreal and you have human girls with fake animal ears and noses, Scrap Brain for example has it's beta name Clock Work Zone even! It's interesting to see how they marked Sonic's debut in Japan. Dash and Spin is a Gag Manga, made around 2003 post Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, there isn't really a story and it's just completely nuts with crazy expressions and jokes that don't translate well honestly, as far as I know only 1 or 2 stories of Volume 1 are translated into English though I might be wrong, I looked into this one the least honestly. Now the 2nd and most well known of the obscure Sonic Mangas are the ones with Nicky Parlouzer, an alter ego for Sonic the Hedgehog whose identity as Sonic is unknown even to himself. Most famously enough Amy Rose and Charmy Bee made their debut in these Mangas albeit in a completely different way then how they ended up translated to the games. This gave Sonic somewhat of an origin story aside from the Mary Garnet Story (which was actually told at the end of the Story Comic, and brought back for the 10th Anniversary SA2 Collectors Edition), in one story Nicky asks his dad Paulie who Sonic is and tells him that Sonic once saved his life, not only that but the person that found him safe after the plane crash was his future wife Brenda, giving Sonic a possible Mystical Origin, as vague as it is. You also have Eggman under the name Dogman in public, Parents for Nicky along with a sister (Sister Sonic? XP), a bully that tries to go out with Amy, all having misadventures with Nerdy, Shy Nicky trying to believe himself only to end up turning into Sonic and saving the day, having no idea he was the one who turned into Sonic. There are rumored to be around 10 or so stories minus 2 known Special Books as listed on the 2nd link, and even then it's not known or confirmed if that's true, there could be more or less even, that's how obscure the mangas are, somehow more obscure then the Novels. The Mangas do not deserve to be forgotten, they should be archived and yet they have been withheld to those who found them and translated to English, while the translated have been down for years, the only evidence of the Nicky Parlouzer stories are those put up on Youtube. Spin and Dash only has a few stories translated into english, and thankfully a full translation of the Story Comic is available on the Sonic Wikia. However the Original Scans of all these Mangas have not been seen in a long time... This I feel is something to be rectified, if you or anyone you know have the original scans please let us know, we can't let these Sonic Stories die off as they answer some long lost questions and possible origin stories to Sonic the Hedgehog, until then please post your thoughts and possible leads as we hope and shall discover this fascinating history of Sonic, and remember to believe in yourself like Nicky!
  12. https://www.sonicstadium.org/2016/08/the-sonic-sunday-strips-have-been-found/ Well I didn't expect this! Even I didn't know that this existed, I'm really glad these got released online, always loved Richard Elson's artwork. So guys, any thoughts on this really interesting development? Who knows what other discoveries will be made!
  13. I was just going to say that Ishapar. XP Could have been used in the opposite way though, use Chaos Control to lump all of society in *insert planet name here* and take over everyone in one fell swoop, though that would have been pretty stupid, then again this is Sonic X we are talking about. Though if we did have an Advance 3 plot going on here, which is likely, chances are Eggman would have lost anyway, though might have had a bit more of a chance as Sonic in X seemed a lot weaker at the start of the series. He did get his butt kicked every time he didn't have a Power Ring after all.
  14. Great questions X93, I see you also favor asking multiple questions at once like me. XP 1. The pilot episode of SatAM, while establishing the series, was off in color scheme and tone, it's not considered canon in general because of that, not to mention you also have Blast to the Past being a sort of Origins Episode of SatAM. For SatAM I'd rather have a more fitting pilot in tone with the rest of the series establishing all of our core characters, motives, and goals, like maybe rescuing one of the Freedom Fighters perhaps? There are a lot of ways you can take it, such as it the beginning of Robotnik looking at Sonic as a real threat even spear heading the first 2 seasons. 2. That depends, I wouldn't just put in characters and concepts from the games or the comics for the sake of it otherwise it would lose it's unique SatAM flavor, you gotta keep it's flavor while making sense to the series so characters say the games and comics would end up dramatically different in SatAM, otherwise you get just a huge crossover that mashes together like trying to fit Lego and Mega Blocks together with crazy glue and a hammer, it wouldn't look good and just be a complete mess, I think a lot of people forget that. It all depends on how you want to take the series, just have an idea on what the identity of it is beforehand. 3. Having some more details on how their days can be would be nice, how plans go together and how they can change in the moments notice, but as @TheRedStranger has pointed out there's a whole world out there rather then just a vast, empty wasteland of near extinction despite how bad it looks, but that would just be telling, it's best to imagine in. But really there are so many stories to tell, who knows how they have played out, and so much background and history to see... 4. Origins? Well other then in Blast to The Past what origins? I mean you never do find out why Sonic is blue, nor where everyone parents are other then Sally's dad, there's a lot of backgrounds that can be filled out. STC and the American Promo Comic derived from the SoA Sonic Bible had a silly origins involving a giant hamster wheel but at least it was a history and origins! It's something that Sega Sonic, Sonic Boom, and every major Sonic Series lacks and that's origins and why characters are multicolored and such, everyone just excepts this as the way things are without putting thought into it, thankfully I'm reassured that I'm not crazy for thinking this way. XP All in good time X93, all in good time. 5. I would say something, but I'm not able to disclose information due to certain projects in the works here on FSoM, till then please keep checking up on Project EoT and find out! Otherwise it's hard to imagine with what little we were given in SatAM, till then keep asking those questions and let's keep answering them!
  15. Really good video, I gotta say in response to this do you think this Theory could be legit? Or better yet... If there was a Pokemon Reboot, how do you think it would go?
  16. http://www.tssznews.com/2016/08/01/in-depth-sonic-in-the-mainstream-gaming-media/ Is the Mainstream Gaming Media trying to kill us Sonic Fans guys?
  17. http://www.tssznews.com/2016/08/02/a-lawsuit-against-archie-sega-america-has-been-filed-by-narrative-ark-entertainment So recently yet another lawsuit has be filed against Archie and Sega of America, apparently this time not by Ken Penders, but former writer Scott Fulop, he was the one who created Mammoth Mogul and The Fearsome Foursome (who later got renamed by Ian Flynn as The Destructix), the Dark Mages who got butchered by Sir Connery, also created by Scott Fulop and finally everyone's favorite neglectful Uncle Merlin Prower. It seems that Archie Sonic could once again be at risk once more, though since this is about characters no longer in use it could be due to Reprinting Rights. What do you guys think? What do you think will happen to Archie Sonic and it's Reprints? Where will this lead? All we can do is wait and gather info as new info is released overtime.
  18. Hey X93, great to have you join up! Really dig your Avatar, very nice.
  19. Yes...YES, let the Cringe flow through you... Nice sketches man, I gotta say Cream in Knight Armor actually looks really cool rather then just a generic little kid we're used to saying.
  20. Pretty much yeah, though lately they have been very lax with them more so then usual considering the Sega Mega Drive room on Steam.
  21. Yeah I was about to mention that, it's not like other Rom Hacks where people put them in ISP Patches, Sonic Rom Hackers go straight for the Roms themselves.
  22. Wow I have never noticed that, I didn't even come up with that conclusion before nor did I think about that, great job Arcan! Either through Experiments or Magic if that is the case, then that just puts not only Scourge but Sonic in a worse light, because going out with someone whose actual age is much younger then their biological age is completely messed up if she's younger then 14, either way it's pretty icky. Ages in the Sonic Series are a major ire when it comes to logical story telling as we can't seem to have a narrative flow make any sense but still keep them looking the same age Officially. Which is a habit that needs to be broken, granted the only two series that solved this problem are Sonic The Comic and Sonic Boom, as they never stated their characters by ages other then being vague about them, for example Tails is younger then Sonic, but that doesn't mean he's a kid. Honestly I would like to see them all grow and get older so they can grow and we see those characters grow, Sonic Boom Sonic would grow much differently then say Sega Sonic for example. However with this being Sega they can't apparently have that unfortunately.
  23. Whose to say she's a Southerner, after all you have Li-Moon who's basically Chinese and a Fox and yet we aren't calling Fiona or Tails Chinese, it seems like they aren't part of the same lineage as Bunnie, granted in the 1st Genesis Wave Cream was Bunnie's Cousin but that doesn't really apply in the Pre-Reboot Timeline nor was it ever confirmed. Let's see, by the time of the first issue of Archie Sonic which was 2 years prior in canon to the Super Genesis Wave happening when say Sonic was 15 Cream was 4 years old at that time. When Sonic and Co. were younger during those Sonic Kids Stories Vanilla wasn't even pregnant during that time so the question would be more like how Vanilla managed to not only survive, but find someone that ended up with her pregnant with Cream, THEN find that Mansion that housed all those Chao. I'd say that she was a former Freedom Fighter but she has no apparent incline or a desire to fight, so she could have been a civilian who ended up living with a group of Freedom Fighters, ended up with one of them, then had to escape and at some point ended up giving birth to Cream. With the father or not they end up either being sent to or discovering the Chao Garden and hide out there until Amy finds them.
  24. Yes I have, I've probably played just about more hacks then anyone on here.
  25. Man a lot disfavor with Sonic 1 other then being the originator of the series. XP Yes Sonic 2 and 3&K are better games compared to Sonic 1, though I will say that I really like the Zones of Sonic 1 A LOT, specifically not just Green Hill, but Spring Yard and Star Light. I don't hate Labyrinth as much as others either, I'd say Sonic 1's Zones are memorable due to a perfect length they have of them so they stick in your mind, on that note... 33. I don't find Sonic 2's Zones all that memorable, granted that's not counting the first half of the game up till Mystic Cave, after that the next few zones up until Sky Fortress aren't really memorable to me, there's a pacing problem to the game where some zones like Emerald Hill, Aquatic Ruin, Chemical Plant, and Casino Night don't really last long enough, especially Emerald Hill which can be completed much faster then Green Hill, while the latter acts specifically Metropolis is WAY to long and it's length could have gone to better Zones, then again with all the lost levels that could explain why. Maybe it's just a problem only Sonic 1 and 2 has, half of the levels are really good while the latter are mixed or aren't very memorable, or that could just be Sonic 2 as all the levels in Sonic 1 are memorable, even the 8-Bit ones, speaking of which... 34. Spring Yard and Star Light Zone aside, I don't know what it is but I might like Sonic 1 for the Game Gear and Master System slightly more then Sonic 1 on the Genesis. Yes Bridge and Jungle are the most creative level names in the world, but the music for the exclusive levels and Labyrinth are just so good, after all that's what happens when you get Yuzo Koshiro to do your music. Not to mention you also get a grand scope for South Island seeing your progress of it before the start of every level. Also the ending of the game is much more climatic on a similar scope to even Sonic 2 and 3&K, as Sonic you catch up with Robotnik aboard his Sky Base dodging Cannon Fire and ending up inside the Base, facing Robotnik in a tougher Final Boss Fight. If you collect all the emeralds you get to see South island restored to it's former beauty, it also shows the Emeralds being used for something else other then Super Forms or Growing Flowers in Green Hill. There's a bigger scope to this version of Sonic 1, plus while you don't have Special Stages to get the emeralds you actually get to hunt them down in each zone instead, it's really interesting! The only thing is it's harder then Sonic 1 on Genesis, but you do end up getting a better pay off in the end. I've beaten this game more times then Sonic 1 on Genesis, and that's saying something. I do like both versions a lot, and at one point I liked Sonic 1 better then Sonic 2, but S2 and S3&K are the better games overall. However that all pales in comparison to Sonic 1 on Android, which really needs a PC port as you get not only Sonic but Tails and Knuckles along with a Time Attack mode and more extras on the Stage Select Screen such as Sonic 3 Shields and an Extra Emerald. Sonic Remastered for Android is the best version of them, we really need them to release S3&K Remastered.
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