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Everything posted by TheRedStranger

  1. @Wulfsbane Would like to get in touch with these lovely people again during all this COVID crap. See how they are doing. I had to pair down this interview pretty heavily too, give that I was in the middle of a move in a half renovated house... in the dead of winter. I had record half of it under a blanket to filter out a heater and not freeze to death. And my husky is not a good cohost, such an attention hog. 😝
  2. Shout out to this musician, Elezeid. He's making good stuff and frankly deserves more patrons and views. If you are synth-lover like I am, you'll like his stuff.
  3. Resurrecting this Thread to be about the development history of AOSTH, including rejected content, concepts, and all its out-of-universe, real world history. There will be more of these threads for all respective Sonic sub-franchies.
  4. I think there are a lot of "Collections" that keep coming out of classic games, and I understand the appeal, and how they preserve these games for history. However, I think what Nintendo has done in Mario-Maker is a better roadmap for preserving these games in a living, relevant fashion. It's so much fun to be able to re-contextualize these past games, as if they were still making sequels or getting forms of sudden DLC/bugfixes. I think the Minecraft Pac man is also a fun way to keep these retrogames fresh and is the most extreme example of recontexualization I have seen in official development material, mixing two games people feel nostalgia to synthesize a whole new experience out of their respective past fundamentals. Sonic Mania of course is another rich example, as it brings us back to Sonic's Genesis days, reviving forgotten characters, and that Sonic CD-animated feel in a whole new story (without dissonant emo hedgehogs with guns 😝). For years there have been ROM hacks in our community so we can relive the old Sega days with fresh perspective and affect. The irony I see in all this is that Nostalgia is not truly fulfilled without, what's been recently coined by the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows as Yu-yi, the longing to feel an experience intensely again. Without changing things up, nostalgia fades into more of an phantom-pain than a pleasurable past-time, with it we can essentially live the past again to the fullest, and for as long as we like. We should embrace the new than can forever be found in the old, conservation and progress are not mutually exclusive, especially to creative minds. Inversely, I think people try slap some "edge" to a lot of stuff in their life that feels stale, for example Shadow The Hedgehog. I think the divide between the fusty, it-can't-be-different preservationalism and edgy antitheticalism, only diminishes the ultimate fundamentals of games we love, and forgets why we found them valuable.
  5. Been have some problems editing some of the visuals here on the site. The near invisible link button for example. Also, I am planning a color blind friendly screen theme. Have any thoughts or ideas on that, feel free to talk to me. 

  6. Broadened topic to include the beginning, middle, and end of Boom.
  7. Due to Covid 19, a lot of cons have been canceled, I was hoping you all could help out any Sonic group that wish to host digital conventions here. If you have, beyond and during this pandemic, any noteworthy digital “conventions,” chats, whatever to discuss or share, this is the place. Even after this pandemic, we should support digital gatherings and raise awareness to them. There are many people for physical and fiscal reasons that would love the convention experience but sadly cannot go. So if you see a worthy substitute - this is the place to chat about it. 😃
  8. Merged and broadened topic to include all 3D animated movies.
  9. Finished Darth Bane: Rule of Two. Probably should be called Darthy Potter and the Thought Bomb of Ruusaan. 😝 I think it skips a bit too much in places when he is a Sith solider, but Bane’s struggle is interesting as a villian protagonist in the Sith school. His hunt for traditional Sith Culture is intriguing and the idea of a schism between the Sith is also fun to read. But it feels like it’s missing some meat in the late and early middle, which is a rare complaint for books like this (they typically need a trim). The ending pages and introduction of a final sequel-bait character feels very tacked on as well, after an ending that has a cool concept but verges on anticlimax. Over all it has an interesting tone, despite some gaps in Bane’s arc between his Solider to Sith and Sith Lord sections. It seems to be glossed over with a “Chosen one” trope, which probably would be better if the perception was much the opposite, and easily could have been made so with giving the mantle to another rival character until the ending, and keeping Bane at the bottom rung before his sudden climb, after a stunning pursuit of the deemed heretical Sith secrets of the past..
  10. Broadened this topic as promised and gave it a resurrection. Have a controversy you wish to discuss, feel free to share.
  11. I would love to see these creatives be interviewed and their concepts elucidated for fans of “CN.”
  12. That is a though one, because I find them inherently silly and a phenomena-version of a villain Sue. And they are extremely boring. They literally just awkwardly try and touch you. You know, like a mob of Joe Biden’s. I think it would be more interesting to have made it insidious rather than an acute infection. I would make it a metaphor about addiction, and how it changes people. I have personally witnessed people become extremely evil due to drug addiction and the need to fulfill it, and deform them from the inside out. Perhaps you can also make a metaphor about depression as well and how people, who allow themselves to feel sorry for themselves get consumed. It needs a fundamental set of urgent behaviors and creepy needs to be fulfilled as symptoms. Make its widespread infection a malaise on people, sort of like the Opioid and over-medication crisis of today. There is a lot more to work with here, if they just retained a bit more of their humanity and there actually was an analysis of the horrors of these forms of vulnerability. Invulnerable monsters are quickly exhaustive of horror, and drag the reader into apathy. They are meant to be quick and energetic experiences, or abstract and eldricht to work. This constant apocalyptic onslaught is a burnout. In short, make this a tense and rising artificial pandemic of human falleness much like the Optimum Wars and the Opioid Crisis. Have characters we like dealing with massive temptation and corruption due to symptoms of the virus and the needs it creates. Perhaps even it comes from some noble origin and intent. Perhaps it was medicine meant to heal or eliminate mental exhaustion pain. There is a lot for us to discuss here as a concept.
  13. That’s all I need to hear to know you are talking about someone with extreme NPD. I think Peggy though was a good character in the early run. I fear she was heavily flanderized. Her “I’m not a feminist speech” is brilliant. There is also a funny episode where she tries to be a stay at home mom when Bobby gets misdiagnosed with ADD.
  14. @Wulfsbane @MoKat - Some people have requested I reopen or do a new an RP. Would guys play? And if so - what would you like to do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRedStranger


      Late posts are fine. It’s the glory of post based RP. As long as you do indeed post, there is not solid time dedications. 

      As for leveling, I take a narrative approach. XP scores are largely a waste of time. 

      Now, I must ask - do we want a vanilla experience? Or do we want something more Sonic? I have plenty of material for both. 

    3. MoKat


      Cool. Guess I'm -too- used to XP leveling (in D&D at least) :D All of the Sonic/Mobian RPGs I participated in were -very- freeform though; I never even got around to making up actual stats for Kalindra ;)

      I could go for something more Sonic, or I could scratch that Tabaxi itch :D What sounds good to you, @Wulfsbane?

    4. TheRedStranger


      I will set up a Backstage post for it soon.

  15. Anyone here a vocalist, instrumentalist, music writer, foley artist? Here we discuss music and audio design to learn together. Here is something you guys might like to discuss - Beginning Material - More Advanced - (Every one get the hidden joke in the last video? XP)
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